This is the complete list of members for AuthV4, including all inherited members.
checkBlacklist(bool isShow, onMaintenance maintenanceListener) | AuthV4 | static |
checkMaintenance(bool isShow, onMaintenance maintenanceListener) | AuthV4 | static |
checkProvider(ProviderType providerType, onCheckProvider checkProviderListener) | AuthV4 | static |
connect(ProviderType providerType, onConnect connectListener) | AuthV4 | static |
disconnect(ProviderType providerType, onDisconnect disconnectListener) | AuthV4 | static |
executeEngine(picojson::value jsonParam) (defined in AuthV4) | AuthV4 | static |
getPlayerInfo() | AuthV4 | static |
getProfile(std::vector< PlayerID > playerIdList, onGetProfile getProfileListener) (defined in AuthV4) | AuthV4 | static |
getProviderFriendsList(ProviderType providerType, onGetProviderFriendsList getProviderFriendsListListener) (defined in AuthV4) | AuthV4 | static |
isAutoSignIn() | AuthV4 | static |
onAdultConfirm typedef (defined in AuthV4) | AuthV4 | |
onCheckProvider typedef | AuthV4 | |
onConnect typedef | AuthV4 | |
onDisconnect typedef | AuthV4 | |
onGetProfile typedef (defined in AuthV4) | AuthV4 | |
onGetProviderFriendsList typedef (defined in AuthV4) | AuthV4 | |
onMaintenance typedef | AuthV4 | |
onResolveConflict typedef (defined in AuthV4) | AuthV4 | |
onSetup typedef | AuthV4 | |
onShowCafe typedef | AuthV4 | |
onShowInquiry typedef | AuthV4 | |
onShowProfile typedef (defined in AuthV4) | AuthV4 | |
onShowTerms typedef | AuthV4 | |
onSignIn typedef | AuthV4 | |
onSignOut typedef | AuthV4 | |
reset() | AuthV4 | static |
resolveConflict(onResolveConflict resolveConflictListener) (defined in AuthV4) | AuthV4 | static |
selectConflict(PlayerID selectedPlayerId, onSignIn signInListener) | AuthV4 | static |
setProviderChangedListener(onCheckProvider checkProviderLisener) | AuthV4 | static |
setup(onSetup setupListener) | AuthV4 | static |
showAdultConfirm(onAdultConfirm adultConfirmListener) (defined in AuthV4) | AuthV4 | static |
showCafe(onShowCafe showCafeListener) | AuthV4 | static |
showConflictSelection(IConflictViewInfo const &viewInfo, onSignIn signInListener) | AuthV4 | static |
showInquiry(onShowInquiry showInquiryListener) | AuthV4 | static |
showProfile(PlayerID playerId, onShowProfile showProfileListener) (defined in AuthV4) | AuthV4 | static |
showSignIn(onSignIn signInListener) | AuthV4 | static |
showTerms(onShowTerms showTermsListener) | AuthV4 | static |
signIn(ProviderType providerType, onSignIn signInListener) | AuthV4 | static |
signOut(onSignOut signOutListener) | AuthV4 | static |