열거형 멤버 |
Success | Success.
RealNameVerification | [Common] Real Name Verification: s
RefundUser | [Common] Refund User: s
CommonHTTPConnectionException | [Common] HTTP Connection exception.
CommonHTTPConnectionOpenException | [Common] HTTP Connection open exception.
CommonHTTPContentEncodingNotSupported | [Common] HTTP Content encoding not supported.
CommonHTTPDecryptionFailed | [Common] HTTP Decryption failed.
CommonHTTPResponseException | [Common] HTTP Response exception.
CommonHTTPInvalidBody | [Common] HTTP body is nil.
CommonHTTPInvalidJSON | [Common] HTTP body has invalid JSON: %1
CommonHTTPInvalidURLRequest | [Common] HTTP Failed to create NSMutableURLRequest.
CommonHTTPInvalidURL | [Common] HTTP Failed to create NSURL from urlPath: %1
CommonHTTPGzipDecodeFailed | [Common] GZip decoding is failed.
CommonHTTPNetworkError | [Common] Network error is occurred on handle response: %1
CommonLibraryMissing | [Common] Library missing: s
TestError | [Test] Error message.
TestWithNSError | [Test] NSError message: %1
TestWithNSString | [Test] NSString message: %1
TestWithNSDictionary | [Test] NSDictionary message: %1
CommonUnknown | [Common] Unknown
AuthNotInitialized | [Auth-Common] Not Initialized
AuthInvalidServerResponse | [Auth-Common] Invalid Server Response
AuthServerResponseNotSuccessful | [Auth-Common] Server Response Not Successful. string: %1
AuthInvalidUser | [Auth-Common] Invalid User
AuthUserCanceled | [Auth-Common] User Canceled
AuthInProgressLoginLogout | [Auth-Common] Login or logout is already in progress
AuthInvalidSelectedAccountURL | [Auth-Common] Invalid Selected AccountURL
AuthInvalidSelectedVID | [Auth-Common] Selected VID is empty or null
AuthOnRunningV4 | [Auth-Common] On Running V4
AuthInvalidConfigurationXml | [Auth-Common] Invalid Configuration Xml
AuthInvalidParamLoginType | [Auth-Common] Invalid Param Login Type: %1
AuthInvalidParamVID | [Auth-Common] Invalid Param Vid: %1
AuthInvalidParamSessionKey | [Auth-Common] Invalid Param Session Key
AuthInvalidGuestSession | [Auth-Common] Invalid Guest Session
AuthUserInBlacklist | [Auth-Common] User In Blacklist: %1
AuthInvalidAccountSession | [Auth-Common] Invalid Account Session
AuthJsonException | [Auth-Common] JSON Parsing failed. error: %1
AuthCanceled | [Auth-Common] Canceled
AuthDialogAlreadyUsing | [Auth-Common] Dialog is already using.
AuthNetworkErrorShowLoginSelection | [Auth-Common] Network error occured on Get My Profile: %1
AuthNetworkErrorCheckMaintenance | [Auth-Common] Network error occured on Check Maintenance
AuthResponseFailCheckMaintenance | [Auth-Common] Bad response on Check Maintenance: %1
AuthResponseFailMaintenanceDialog | [Auth-Common] Failed to show maintenance dialog.
AuthNetworkErrorProcessLoginType | [Auth-Common] Network error occured on Prelogin: %1
AuthNetworkErrorGuestLogin | [Auth-Common] Network error occured on Guest Login: %1
AuthHIVESocialLoginCancelled | [Auth-Common] HIVE social login canceled.
AuthNetworkErrorLoginCenterLogin | [Auth-Common] Network error occured on Login Center Login: %1
AuthNetworkErrorRequestUpdate | [Auth-Common] Network error occured on Request Update: %1
AuthNetworkErrorRequestAdultConfirm | [Auth-Common] Network error occured on Adult Confirm.
AuthInvalidParamVIDList | [Auth-Common] VID list is nil or empty
AuthAgreementFail_DoExit | [Auth-Common] Agreement Fail
AuthMaintenanceActionDefault_DoExit | [Auth-Common] Maintenance Dialog Dismiss with unknown action.
AuthMaintenanceActionOpenURL_DoExit | [Auth-Common] Maintenance Dialog Dismiss with Open URL Button Selected.
AuthMaintenanceActionExit_DoExit | [Auth-Common] Maintenance Dialog Dismiss with Exit Button Selected.
AuthMaintenanceActionDone | [Auth-Common] Maintenance Dialog Dismiss with Done Button Selected.
AuthMaintenanceTimeover_DoExit | [Auth-Common] Maintenance Dialog Dismiss with Timeover.
AuthUserInBlacklistActionDefault_DoExit | [Auth-Common] Blacklist Dialog Dismiss with unknown action.
AuthUserInBlacklistActionOpenURL_DoExit | [Auth-Common] Blacklist Dialog Dismiss with Open URL Button Selected.
AuthUserInBlacklistActionExit_DoExit | [Auth-Common] Blacklist Dialog Dismiss with Exit Button Selected.
AuthUserInBlacklistActionDone | [Auth-Common] Blacklist Dialog Dismiss with Done Button Selected.
AuthUserInBlacklistTimeover_DoExit | [Auth-Common] Blacklist Dialog Dismiss with Timeover.
AuthInProgressInitialize | [Auth-Common] Initialize is already in progress.
AuthSkipPermissionView | [Auth-Common] Can skip the Permission view.
AuthInProgressRequestPermissionViewData | [Auth-Common] Requesting PermissionViewData is already in progress.
AuthNetworkErrorRequestPermissionViewData | [Auth-Common] Network error occjured on requestPermissionViewData
AuthV4InvalidServerResponse | [AuthV4-Common] InvalidServerResponse
AuthV4OnRunningV1 | [AuthV4-Common] On running AuthV1
AuthV4InProgressSignIn | [AuthV4-Common] SigninInProgress
AuthV4InvalidConfigurationXml | [AuthV4-Common] Invalid configuration xml
AuthV4InvalidSavedPlayerInfo | [AuthV4-Common] InvalidSavedPlayerInfo
AuthV4AlreadyAuthorized | [AuthV4-Common] Already authorized: %1
AuthV4ConflictPlayer | [AuthV4-Common] Conflict player
AuthV4UserInBlacklist | [AuthV4-Common] User in blacklist
AuthV4InvalidSession | [AuthV4-Common] Invalid session: %1
AuthV4ConflictPlayerHandlingFail | [AuthV4-Common] ConflictPlayerHandlingFail
AuthV4InvalidParamDid | [AuthV4-Common] Failed to seup. Empty DID.
AuthV4NotInitialized | [AuthV4-Common] Setup HIVE module first.
AuthV4SessionExist | [AuthV4-Common] Already authorized
AuthV4SessionNotExist | [AuthV4-Common] Not exist remain session. Please sign in provider.
AuthV4InvalidProviderType | [AuthV4-Common] Invalid provider type : %1
AuthV4SigninFirst | [AuthV4-Common] Need Sign in first.
AuthV4ProviderAlreadyConnected | [AuthV4-Common] Provider already connected: %1
AuthV4ProviderAlreadyDisconnected | [AuthV4-Common] Provider already disconnected: %1
AuthV4InvalidParamSelectedPlayerid | [AuthV4-Common] InvalidParamSelectedPlayerid
AuthV4InvalidConflictInfo | [AuthV4-Common] Invalid conficlt info : %1
AuthV4InvalidPlayeridList | [AuthV4-Common] Empty playerID List
AuthV4JsonException | [AuthV4-Common] JsonException : %1
AuthV4InvalidSigninSelection | [AuthV4-Common] Invalid signin selection
AuthV4NotSupportedProviderType | [AuthV4-Common] Not supported requested provider type : %1
AuthV4WebviewDialogError | [AuthV4-Common] Webview dialog error: %1
AuthV4InProgressAuthDialog | [AuthV4-Common] Dialog already used.
AuthV4InvalidParamViewID | [AuthV4-Common] Empty View ID.
AuthV4InvalidParamPlayerID | [AuthV4-Common] Invalid player ID: %1
AuthV4NetworkErrorSigninGuest | [AuthV4-Common] Network error occured on Internal Signin Guest. type: %1
AuthV4ResponseFailProviderUserID | [AuthV4-Common] Response error. Provider user ID is empty.
AuthV4ResponseFailSelectedPlayerID | [AuthV4-Common] Response error. Selected player ID is empty or nil
AuthV4CancelDialog | [AuthV4-Common] Dialog canceled by user.
AuthV4ResponseFailSocialDialog | [AuthV4-Common] Response error. Social Dialog.: %1
AuthV4ProfileNetworkError | [AuthV4-Profile] Network error is occurred.
AuthV4ProfileResponseFail | [AuthV4-Profile] Response Fail.
AuthV4MembershipNetworkError | [AuthV4-Membership] Network error is occurred.
AuthV4MembershipResponseFail | [AuthV4-Membership] Response Fail.
AuthV4ResponseFailSigninProvider | [AuthV4-Common] Response Fail on Internal Signin Provider : %1
AuthV4ResponseFailCheckProvider | [AuthV4-Common] Response Fail on CheckProvider : %1
AuthV4ResponseFailGetFriendList | [AuthV4-Common] Response Fail on GetFriendList : %1
AuthV4ResponseFailSigninGuest | [AuthV4-Common] Response Fail on SigninGuest : %1
AuthV4InProgressConnect | [AuthV4-Common] Connection is already in progress
AuthV4InProgressShowLeaderboard | [AuthV4-Common] Showing leaderboard is already in progress
AuthV4InProgressShowAchievements | [AuthV4-Common] Showing achievements is already in progress
AuthV4PlayerChange | [AuthV4-Common] Success, but account is switched to device account.
AuthV4HelperImplifiedLoginFail | [AuthV4Helper-Common] Implified login failed.
AuthV4PlayerResolved | [AuthV4Helper-Common] Player resolved.
AuthV4AgreementFail_DoExit | [AuthV4-Common] Agreement Fail
AuthV4AgreementFailWithWebviewError_DoExit | [AuthV4-Common] Agreement Fail with Webview Error
AuthV4MaintenanceActionDefault_DoExit | [AuthV4-Common] Maintenance Dialog Dismiss with unknown reason
AuthV4MaintenanceActionOpenURL_DoExit | [AuthV4-Common] Maintenance Dialog Dismiss with OpenURL button selected
AuthV4MaintenanceActionExit_DoExit | [AuthV4-Common] Maintenance Dialog Dismiss with Exit button selected
AuthV4MaintenanceActionDone | [AuthV4-Common] Maintenance Dialog Dismiss with Done button selected
AuthV4MaintenanceTimeover_DoExit | [AuthV4-Common] Maintenance Dialog Dismiss with Timeover
AuthV4NetworkError | [AuthV4-Common] Network error occured : %1
AuthV4InvalidResponseData | [AuthV4-Common] Invalid response data : %1
AuthV4ServerResponseError | [AuthV4-Common] Server response error : %1
AuthV4NeedSignIn | [AuthV4-Common] Need sign in.
AuthV4InProgress | [AuthV4-Common] In progress.
AuthV4InvalidParam | [AuthV4-Common] Invalid param : %1
AuthV4SkipPermissionView | [AuthV4-Common] Can skip the Permission view.
AuthV4InvalidCertification | [AuthV4-Common] Invalid HiveCertification.
AuthV4LastProviderCantDisconnect | [AuthV4-Common] AuthV4 Last Provider Cant Disconnect
AuthV4ServiceShutdown | [AuthV4-Common] Service Shutdown : s
AuthV4ProviderLoginError | [AuthV4-Provider] ProviderLoginError
AuthV4ProviderLogoutError | [AuthV4-Provider] Logout Failed
AuthV4ProviderNotSupportGetFriends | [AuthV4-Provider] Not supported function.
AuthV4ProviderLoginCancel | [AuthV4-Provider] Provider Login canceled.
AuthV4FacebookUserCanceled | [AuthV4-ProviderFacebook] Login action canceled by user.
AuthV4FacebookResponseFailGetFriends | [AuthV4-ProviderFacebook] Response error : %1
AuthV4FacebookNetworkErrorUploadProfile | [AuthV4-ProviderFacebook] Network error occured on upload profile.
AuthV4FacebookResponseFailUploadProfile | [AuthV4-ProviderFacebook] Response error. Failed to upload profile.
AuthV4FacebookResponseError | [AuthV4-ProviderFacebook] Response error : %1
AuthV4FacebookInvalidResponseData | [AuthV4-ProviderFacebook] Invalid response data : %1
AuthV4FacebookNetworkError | [AuthV4-ProviderFacebook] Network error occured : %1
AuthV4FacebookCancel | [AuthV4-ProviderFacebook] Login canceled
AuthV4GoogleResponseFailLogin | [AuthV4-ProviderGoogle] Connection failed
AuthV4GoogleResponseFailLogout | [AuthV4-ProviderGoogle] DisconnetionFailed
AuthV4GoogleNetworkErrorUploadProfile | [AuthV4-ProviderGoogle] Network error is occured on upload profile.
AuthV4GoogleResponseFailUploadProfile | [AuthV4-ProviderGoogle] Response error. Failed to upload profile.
AuthV4GoogleResponseFailShowAchievements | [AuthV4-ProviderGoogle] Response error. Failed to show achievements.
AuthV4GoogleResponseFailShowLeaderboards | [AuthV4-ProviderGoogle] Response error. Failed to show leaderboards.
AuthV4GoogleNotSupported | [AuthV4-ProviderGoogle] Provider google is not supported.
AuthV4GoogleLoginCancel | [AuthV4-ProviderGoogle] Google Login canceled.
AuthV4GoogleNetworkError | [AuthV4-ProviderGoogle] Network Error
AuthV4GoogleLogout | [AuthV4-ProviderGoogle] Logout.
AuthV4GoogleResponseFailAchievementsReveal | [AuthV4-ProviderGoogle] Failed to achievements reveal.
AuthV4GoogleResponseFailAchievementsUnlock | [AuthV4-ProviderGoogle] Failed to achievements unlock.
AuthV4GoogleResponseFailAchievementsIncrement | [AuthV4-ProviderGoogle] Failed to achievements increment.
AuthV4GoogleResponseFailLeaderboardsSubmitScore | [AuthV4-ProviderGoogle] Failed to leaderboards submit score.
AuthV4GoogleNeedSignIn | [AuthV4-ProviderGoogle] Need ProviderGoogle sign in
AuthV4AppleLoginCancel | [AuthV4-ProviderApple] Login canceled
AuthV4AppleResponseFailLogin | [AuthV4-ProviderApple] Response error. login: %1
AuthV4AppleTimeOut | [AuthV4-ProviderApple] Timeout
AuthV4AppleResponseFailReportScore | [AuthV4-ProviderApple] Response error. Failed to report score: %1
AuthV4AppleInProgressGameCenterVC | [AuthV4-ProviderApple] GameCenterViewController in use.
AuthV4AppleResponseFailLoadAchievements | [AuthV4-ProviderApple] Response error. Load achievements failed: %1
AuthV4AppleResponseFailReportAchievements | [AuthV4-ProviderApple] Response error. Report achievements failed: %1
AuthV4AppleResponseFailResetAchievements | [AuthV4-ProviderApple] Response error. Reset achievements failed: %1
AuthV4AppleNotSupported | [AuthV4-ProviderApple] Provider apple is not supported.
AuthV4AppleInProgress | [AuthV4-ProviderApple] In Progress
AuthV4AppleResponseError | [AuthV4-ProviderApple] Response error : %1
AuthV4AppleCancel | [AuthV4-ProviderApple] Canceled
AuthV4VKResponseFailLogin | [AuthV4-ProviderVK] Response Fail on request login : %1
AuthV4VKInvalidParamSDK | [AuthV4-ProviderVK] VK SDK setup failed.
AuthV4VKNotInitialized | [AuthV4-ProviderVK] VK SDK not initialized.
AuthV4VKCancelLogin | [AuthV4-ProviderVK] Request authorization is canceled
AuthV4VKInvalidSession | [AuthV4-ProviderVK] Invalid VK session.
AuthV4VKResponseFailGetFriends | [AuthV4-ProviderVK] Response Fail on get friends: %1
AuthV4VKResponseFailLogout | [AuthV4-ProviderVK] Response Fail on request logout.
AuthV4VKResponseFailUploadProfile | [AuthV4-ProviderVK] Response Fail
AuthV4VKNetworkErrorUploadProfile | [AuthV4-ProviderVK] Network error occured : %1
AuthV4VKInProgress | [AuthV4-ProviderVK] In progress
AuthV4VKResponseError | [AuthV4-ProviderVK] Response error : %1
AuthV4VKNetworkError | [AuthV4-ProviderVK] Network error occured : %1
AuthV4VKInvalidParam | [AuthV4-ProviderVK] Invalid param : %1
AuthV4VKCancel | [AuthV4-ProviderVK] Canceled
AuthV4VKTokenResponseError | [AuthV4-ProviderVK] Token Response Error : %1
AuthV4WechatInProgressLoginLogout | [AuthV4-ProviderWeChat] Login or logout in progress.
AuthV4WechatResponseFailLogin | [AuthV4-ProviderWeChat] Response error. Failed to login: %1
AuthV4WechatNotSupportedRequest | [AuthV4-ProviderWeChat] Request is not supported: %1
AuthV4WechatResponseFailUserInfo | [AuthV4-ProviderWeChat] Request error. failed to get user info: %1
AuthV4WechatNetworkErrorUserInfo | [AuthV4-ProviderWeChat] Request error. NetworkError while getting user info: %1
AuthV4WechatNetworkError | [AuthV4-ProviderWeChat] Network error occured : %1
AuthV4WechatResponseFail | [AuthV4-ProviderWeChat] Response fail : %1
AuthV4WechatNetworkErrorLogin | [AuthV4-ProviderWeChat] NetworkError. Failed to login.
AuthV4WechatLoginCancel | [AuthV4-ProviderWeChat] Login canceled.
AuthV4WechatInProgress | [AuthV4-ProviderWeChat] In progress
AuthV4WechatResponseError | [AuthV4-ProviderWeChat] Response Error : %1
AuthV4WechatInvalidResponseData | [AuthV4-ProviderWeChat] Invalid Response Data : %1
AuthV4WechatInvalidAppKey | [AuthV4-ProviderWeChat] Invalid App Key : %1
AuthV4HIVEDialogCancel | [AuthV4-ProviderHIVE] Dialog is canceled
AuthV4HIVENetworkErrorUploadProfile | [AuthV4-ProviderHIVE] Network error is occured on upload profile.
AuthV4HIVEResponseFailUploadProfile | [AuthV4-ProviderHIVE] Response error. failed to upload profile.
AuthV4HIVEInProgress | [AuthV4-ProviderHIVE] In progress
AuthV4HIVEResponseError | [AuthV4-ProviderHIVE] Response error : %1
AuthV4HIVENetworkError | [AuthV4-ProviderHIVE] Network Error
AuthV4HIVEInvalidParam | [AuthV4-ProviderHIVE] Invalid param : %1
AuthV4HIVECancel | [AuthV4-ProviderHIVE] Cancel
AuthV4QQInProgressLoginLogout | [AuthV4-ProviderQQ] Login or logout in progress.
AuthV4QQResponseFailLogin | [AuthV4-ProviderQQ] Invalid login session.
AuthV4QQCancelLogin | [AuthV4-ProviderQQ] login is canceled.
AuthV4QQNetworkError | [AuthV4-ProviderQQ] Network error occurred.
AuthV4QQNetworkErrorUploadProfile | [AuthV4-ProviderQQ] Network error is occurred on upload profile
AuthV4QQResponseFailUploadProfile | [AuthV4-ProviderQQ] Response error. Failed to upload profile
AuthV4QQCancelUploadProfile | [AuthV4-ProviderQQ] Upload profiel is canceled.
AuthV4QQResponseFailLogout | [AuthV4-ProviderQQ] Response error. Failed to logout.
AuthV4QQNotInitialized | [AuthV4-ProviderQQ] QQ SDK not initialized.
AuthV4QQInProgress | [AuthV4-ProviderQQ] In progress
AuthV4QQResponseError | [AuthV4-ProviderQQ] Response error
AuthV4QQInvalidResponseData | [AuthV4-ProviderQQ] Invalid response data : %1
AuthV4QQInvalidParam | [AuthV4-ProviderQQ] Invalid param : %1
AuthV4QQCancel | [AuthV4-ProviderQQ] Cancel
AuthV4SignInAppleUnknown | [AuthV4-ProviderSignInApple] Unknown
AuthV4SignInAppleCanceled | [AuthV4-ProviderSignInApple] Canceled
AuthV4SignInAppleFailed | [AuthV4-ProviderSignInApple] Failed
AuthV4SignInAppleInvalidResponse | [AuthV4-ProviderSignInApple] Invalid Response
AuthV4SignInAppleNotHandled | [AuthV4-ProviderSignInApple] Not Handled
AuthV4SignInAppleNotSupported | [AuthV4-ProviderSignInApple] Not Supported
AuthV4LineInvalidParam | [AuthV4-ProviderLine] Invalid Param
AuthV4LineCancel | [AuthV4-ProviderLine] Cancel
AuthV4LineResponseError | [AuthV4-ProviderLine] Response Error
AuthV4LineNetworkError | [AuthV4-ProviderLine] Network Error
AuthV4TwitterResponseError | [AuthV4-ProviderTwitter] Response Error
AuthV4TwitterInvalidParam | [AuthV4-ProviderTwitter] Invalid Param
AuthV4WeverseInProgressLoginLogout | [AuthV4-ProviderWeverse] Login or Logout in progress.
AuthV4WeverseResponseFailLogin | [AuthV4-ProviderWeverse] Response error. Failed to login: s
AuthV4WeverseNotSupported | [AuthV4-ProviderWeverse] Not supported: s
AuthV4WeverseNetworkError | [AuthV4-ProviderWeverse] Network error occurred : s
AuthV4WeverseLoginCancel | [AuthV4-ProviderWeverse] Login canceled.
AuthV4WeverseResponseError | [AuthV4-ProviderWeverse] Response Error : s
AuthV4NotRegisteredDevice | [AuthV4-DeviceManagement] Not Registered Device.
AuthV4HuaweiNotInitialized | [AuthV4-ProviderHuawei] Huawei SDK not initialized.
AuthV4HuaweiInProgress | [AuthV4-ProviderHuawei] In progress
AuthV4HuaweiInvalidParam | [AuthV4-ProviderHuawei] Invalid Param
AuthV4HuaweiLoginCancel | [AuthV4-ProviderHuawei] Login Cancel
AuthV4HuaweiNetworkError | [AuthV4-ProviderHuawei] Network Error
AuthV4HuaweiResponseError | [AuthV4-ProviderHuawei] Response Error
SocialResponseFailDismissDialog | [Social-Common] InvalidParamClose
SocialCancelDismissDialog | [Social-Common] Canceled
SocialCancelConnect | [Social-Common] Canceled social connect.
SocialResponseFailConnect | [Social-Common] Fail to connect to social.
SocialCancelGetPictureFromGallery | [Social-Common] Canceled to get picture from gallery.
SocialResponseFailGetPictureFromGallery | [Social-Common] Failed to get picture from gallery.
SocialCancelSharePhoto | [Social-Common] Canceled to share photo.
SocialResponseFailSharePhoto | [Social-Common] Failed to share photo.
SocialInvalidParam | [Social-Common] Invalid param : s
SocialProviderNotInitialized | [Social-Common] Social Provider Not Initialized.
SocialNeedSignIn | [Social-Common] Need signIn.
SocialGoogleNotInitialized | [Social-Google] Not initialized. initialize user first.
SocialGoogleResponseFailGetProfile | [Social-Google] Fail to get profile. check response
SocialGoogleInProgressConnect | [Social-Google] In progress. connect.
SocialGoogleResponseFailConnect | [Social-Google] Response error. Failed to connect.
SocialGoogleCancelGetProfile | [Social-Google] Get profile is canceled.
SocialGoogleCancelConnect | [Social-Google] Connect is canceled.
SocialGoogleNetworkErrorUpdateServerFlag | [Social-Google] Network error is occured on update server flag.
SocialGoogleResponseFailUpdateServerFlag | [Social-Google] Response error. Failed to update server flag.
SocialFacebookNotInitialized | [Social-Facebook] Not initialized. initialize user first.
SocialFacebookResponseFailGetProfile | [Social-Facebook] Fail to get profile. check response: %1
SocialFacebookCancelGetProfile | [Social-Facebook] Get profile canceled.
SocialFacebookResponseFailGetFriends | [Social-Facebook] Fail to get friends. check response: %1
SocialFacebookCancelGetFriends | [Social-Facebook] Get friends canceled.
SocialFacebookResponseFailSendMessage | [Social-Facebook] Fail to send message. check response: %1
SocialFacebookCancelSendMessage | [Social-Facebook] Send message canceled.
SocialFacebookMessageDialogShowFail | [Social-Facebook] Fail to show message dialog.
SocialFacebookResponseFailShowInvitation | [Social-Facebook] Fail to show invite dialog: %1
SocialFacebookCancelShowInvitation | [Social-Facebook] Show invite dialog canceled
SocialFacebookInvalidParamPost | [Social-Facebook] Invalid paramter for posting to facebook.
SocialFacebookPostDialogShowFail | [Social-Facebook] Fail to show post dialog.
SocialFacebookShareFail | [Social-Facebook] Fail to share: %1
SocialFacebookShareCancelled | [Social-Facebook] Sharing canceled.
SocialFacebookSendInvitationFail | [Social-Facebook] Fail to send invitation: %1
SocialFacebookSendInvitationCancelled | [Social-Facebook] Send invitation is canceled.
SocialFacebookCancelPost | [Social-Facebook] Posting is canceled.
SocialFacebookResponseFailPost | [Social-Facebook] Response error. Failed to posting.
SocialFacebookOperationException | [Social-Facebook] Operation exception is occured.
SocialFacebookServiceException | [Social-Facebook] Service exception is occured.
SocialFacebookException | [Social-Facebook] Exception is occured.
SocialHIVENotInitialized | [Social-HIVE] Not initialized. initialize user first.
SocialHIVENetworkErrorGetMyProfile | [Social-HIVE] Network error occured on Get My Profile: %1
SocialHIVEInvalidParamSetMyProfile | [Social-HIVE] Invalid parameter. Comment is required
SocialHIVENetworkErrorSetMyProfile | [Social-HIVE] Network error occured on Set My Profile: %1
SocialHIVENetworkErrorGetFriends | [Social-HIVE] Network error occured on Get Friends: %1
SocialHIVEInvalidSession | [Social-HIVE] Invalid session. Only HIVE user is permitted
SocialHIVEInvalidParamVID | [Social-HIVE] Invalid parameter. Valid VID is required.
SocialHIVENetworkErrorGetVIDByUIDList | [Social-HIVE] Network error occured on Get VID By UID List: %1
SocialHIVENetworkErrorGetUIDByVIDList | [Social-HIVE] Network error occured on Get UID By VID List: %1
SocialHIVEInvalidParamContentSendMessage | [Social-HIVE] Invalid parameter. Message content is required.
SocialHIVENetworkErrorSendMessage | [Social-HIVE] Network error occured on Send Message: %1
SocialHIVEInvalidParamReceiptSendMessage | [Social-HIVE] Invalid parameter. Need valid receipts for Send Message.
SocialHIVEInvalidParamUID | [Social-HIVE] Invalid parameter. UID is empty or nil
SocialHIVEInProgressSocialDialog | [Social-HIVE] In progress. SocialDialog is already showing.
SocialHIVESocialDialogClosed | [Social-HIVE] SocialDialog is closed.
SocialHIVENetworkErrorGetBadgeInfo | [Social-HIVE] Network error occured on Get Badge Info: %1
SocialHIVEResponseFailGetMyProfile | [Social-HIVE] Response error is occured on Get My Profile: %1
SocialHIVEResponseFailSetMyProfile | [Social-HIVE] Response error is occured on Set My Profile: %1
SocialHIVEResponseFailGetFriends | [Social-HIVE] Response error is occured on Get Friends: %1
SocialHIVEResponseFailGetVID | [Social-HIVE] Response error occured on Get VID: %1
SocialHIVEResponseFailInvalidVIDList | [Social-HIVE] Server response vid list does not match.
SocialHIVEResponseFailGetUID | [Social-HIVE] Response error occured on Get UID: %1
SocialHIVEResponseFailInvalidUIDList | [Social-HIVE] Server response uid list does not match.
SocialHIVEResponseFailSendMessage | [Social-HIVE] Response error is occured on Send Message: %1
SocialHIVEResponseFailGetBadgeInfo | [Social-HIVE] Response error is occured on Get badge: %1
SocialHIVEResponseFailDialogWebView | [Social-HIVE] WebView error is occured in social dialog: %1
SocialHIVEResponseFailSocialDialog | [Social-HIVE] Social dialog error is occured.
SocialHIVEInvalidParamFriendType | [Social-HIVE] Requested friend type %1 is not supported.
SocialHIVEResponseFailGetProfiles | [Social-HIVE] Response error. Failed to get profiles.
SocialHIVEInvalidParamGetProfiles | [Social-HIVE] Invalid param get profiles.
SocialHIVEResponseFail | [Social-HIVE] Response error.
SocialHIVEInvalidParamSendMessage | [Social-HIVE] Invalid parameter. Message content is required.
SocialHIVEInvalidParamSendInvitationMessage | [Social-HIVE] Invalid parameter. Send invitation message.
SocialHIVEResponseFailGetPictureFromGallery | [Social-HIVE] Response error. Failed to get picture from gallery.
SocialHIVEResponseFailGetPictureFromCamera | [Social-HIVE] Response error. Failed to get picture from camera.
SocialHIVENetworkErrorSendInvitationMessage | [Social-HIVE] Network error is occured on send invitation message.
PromotionNotInitialized | [Promotion] Setup HIVE module first.
PromotionAlreadyShowing | [Promotion] Promotion view already shown.
PromotionNetworkErrorShowCustomContents | [Promotion] Network error occured on Show Custom Contents: %1
PromotionNetworkErrorShowOfferwall | [Promotion] Network error occured on Show Offerwall
PromotionShowDialogFail | [Promotion] Fail to show Dialog. Please check data from promotion server: %1
PromotionResponseFailGetViewInfo | [Promotion] Response error. Failed to get view info
PromotionNetworkError | [Promotion] Network error occured : %1
PromotionServerResponseError | [Promotion] Server response error : %1
PromotionInvalidResponseData | [Promotion] Invalid response data : %1
PromotionShareFailed | [Promotion] Fail to share.
UserEngagementResponseFail | [Promotion UE] Response error.
UserEngagementAlreadySetReady | [Promotion UE] Already in ready to UE.
UserEngagementHandlerNotRegistered | [Promotion UE] Handler not registered.
UserEngagementNotLogined | [Promotion UE] Unauthorized User. Please do login first.
UserEngagementEmptyCouponId | [Promotion UE] Coupon value is empty.
UserEngagementEmptyMarketPid | [Promotion UE] Market pid value is empty.
UserEngagementListenerNotRegistered | [Promotion UE] Listener is not registered.
PromotionStartPlayback | [Promotion MV] Start playback.
PromotionFinishPlayback | [Promotion MV] Finish playback.
PromotionYTPlayerError | [Promotion MV] Youtube player get error : %1
PromotionCancelPlayback | [Promotion MV] Cancel playback.
PushNotInitialized | [Push] Setup HIVE module first.
PushInvalidParamLocalPush | [Push] Invalid param : %1
PushInvalidParamRemotePush | [Push] Invalid param : %1
PushNetworkError | [Push] Network error occured : %1
PushAgeGateUnder13 | [Push] Push can not use under 13 years old people because of age verification system.
PushInvalidResponseData | [Push] Invalid response data : %1
PushServerResponseError | [Push] Server response error : %1
PushNeedSignIn | [Push] Need signin.
IAPNotInitialize | [IAP] Not Initialized. Initialize User First.
IAPAlreadyInInitialize | [IAP] Already IAP Initialized.
IAPNetworkError | [IAP] Network error occured: %1
IAPNotSupportedMarket | [IAP] Invalid or NOT supported market identifier. (%1)
IAPNeedLogin | [IAP] Unauthorized User. Please do login first.
IAPNeedShopInitialize | [IAP] Not Shop Initialized. Initialize Shop First.
IAPNotSupportedOSVersion | [IAP] Unsupported OS Version.
IAPNeedRestore | [IAP] Unfinished transactions: %1 exists. Need restore.
IAPNothingToRestore | [IAP] Nothing to restore.
IAPFailRestore | [IAP] Fail to restore.
IAPRestrictPayments | [IAP] This device is not able or allowed to make payments.
IAPNetworkJsonException | [IAP] Json Exception during IAP Network
IAPMarketNotSupportedAPI | [IAP] Market did not support this API
IAPFailMarketInitialize | [IAP] Market data is nothing
IAPResponseError | [IAP] Network response exception is occured.
IAPDialogActionDefault_DoExit | [IAP] IAP Dialog Dismiss with unknown reason
IAPDialogActionOpenURL_DoExit | [IAP] IAP Dialog Dismiss with OpenURL button selected
IAPDialogActionExit_DoExit | [IAP] IAP Dialog Dismiss with Exit button selected
IAPDialogActionDone | [IAP] IAP Dialog Dismiss with Done button selected
IAPDialogTimeover_DoExit | [IAP] IAP Dialog Dismiss with Timeover
IAPInProgressPurchasing | [IAP] Already in progress purchasing.
IAPInProgressRestoring | [IAP] Already in progress restoring.
IAPInProgressCheckPromotePurchase | [IAP] Already in progress check promote purchase.
IAPInProgressConnectingAppStore | [IAP] Already in progress connecting App Store.
IAPInProgressMarketSelection | [IAP] Already in progress market selection.
IAPAppStoreError | [IAP] App Store Error: %1
IAPAppStoreResponseEmpty | [IAP] Fail to get response data from App Store. Response data is empty.
IAPCannotFindGamePID | [IAP] Can not find game pid matching with market pid, PID is empty or nil.
IAPProductNotExist | [IAP] Can not find product in IAP Server: %1
IAPEmptyMarketPID | [IAP] Fail to request purchase product. MarketPID is empty or nil.
IAPFailCreateSKPayment | [IAP] SKPayment create failed.
IAPEmptyTransaction | [IAP] Fail to request purchase. Purchased transaction is empty.
IAPEmptyProduct | [IAP] Can not find market product using marker pid: %1
IAPCancelPayment | [IAP] Failed to purchase(canceled): %1
IAPFailPayment | [IAP] Failed to purchase
IAPInvalidMarketPID | [IAP] Failed to convert to MarketPIDs to PID set.
IAPPurchaseParamJsonException | [IAP] Purchase parameter json exception is occured.
IAPShopInfoParamJsonException | [IAP] Shopinfo parameter json exception is occured.
IAPBadgeParamJsonException | [IAP] Badge parameter json exception is occured.
IAPInvalidParamEmptyMarketPID | [IAP] Game pid is empty.
IAPInvalidParamLocationCode | [IAP] Location code is empty
IAPBlockedUser | [IAP] This user has been blocked: %1
IAPPromoCodeMatchMultiMarketPID | [IAP] Multiple product matched in market pid: %1
IAPPromoCodeNotMatchMarketPID | [IAP] No product matched in market pid: %1
IAPPromoCodeAlreadyUsed | [IAP] This Promotion code already used: %1
IAPAppleReceiptNotConnected | [IAP] Apple receipt verifying server can not connected: %1
IAPServerDefaultError | [IAP] IAP server error: %1
IAPInitializeMarketListIsEmpty | [IAP] Resopnse failed. Market list is empty.
IAPInitializeMarketURLISEmpty | [IAP] Resopnse failed. Market url is empty.
IAPEmptyMarketURL | [IAP] Selected market URL is empty.
IAPNotSelectedMarket | [IAP] Failed to select market.
IAPPlayStoreLaunchPurchaseFlowException | [IAP] PlayStore launchpurchaseflow exception is occured.
IAPPlayStoreSetupFail | [IAP] PlayStore start setup fail
IAPPlayStoreQueryInventoryFail | [IAP] PlayStore query inventory fail when initialize
IAPPlayStorePending | [IAP] PlayStore Billing state is pending.
IAPOneStoreProductListEmpty | [IAP] OneStore Product List is empty.
IAPOneStoreProductNetworkError | [IAP] OneStore requestProductInfo network fail
IAPOneStoreProductInfoError | [IAP] OneStore requestProductInfo fail.
IAPOneStoreInvalidRequestID | [IAP] OneStore requestID is invalid
IAPOneStorePurchaseError | [IAP] OneStore purchase fail
IAPOneStoreNetworkNullError | [IAP] Onestore Network response null error
IAPOneStoreNetworkInvalidError | [IAP] Onestore Network response invalid error
IAPLebiInitializeNetworkError | [IAP] Lebi Initialize fail
IAPLebiInitializeJsonException | [IAP] Lebi initialize json exception is occured.
IAPLebiPurchaseNetworkError | [IAP] Lebi purchase fail
IAPLebiPurchaseJsonException | [IAP] Lebi purchase json exception is occured.
IAPLebiVerifyOrderNetworkError | [IAP] Lebi verifyorder fail
IAPLebiVerifyOrderJsonException | [IAP] Lebi verifyorder json exception is occured.
IAPLebiBalanceNetworkError | [IAP] Lebi balance fail
IAPLebiBalanceParamJsonException | [IAP] Lebi balance json exception is occured.
IAPLebiPostException | [IAP] Lebi post exception is occured.
IAPLebiInternalRequestException | [IAP] Lebi Internal request exception is occured.
IAPLebiRestoreNetworkError | [IAP] Lebi restore create invalid response data
IAPV4NotInitialize | [IAPv4] Setup HIVE module first.
IAPV4NetworkError | [IAPv4] Network error occured: %1
IAPV4NotSupportedMarket | [IAPv4] Market not supported.
IAPV4NeedSignIn | [IAPv4] Unauthorized User. Please do sign in first.
IAPV4NeedMarketConnect | [IAPv4] Shop not initialized. Initialize shop first.
IAPV4NeedRestore | [IAPv4] Unfinished transactions: %1 exists. Need restore.
IAPV4NothingToRestore | [IAPv4] Nothing to restore.
IAPV4FailToRestore | [IAPv4] Fail to restore.
IAPV4RestrictPayments | [IAPv4] This device not able or allowed to make payments.
IAPV4FailMarketConnect | [IAPv4] Invalid market data : %1
IAPV4ResponseError | [IAPv4] Invalid response data : %1
IAPV4MarketNotSupportedAPI | [IAPv4] Market did not support this API
IAPV4PendingPurchase | [IAPv4] A pending purchase occurs. : s
IAPV4InProgressMarketConnect | [IAPv4] Already in progress market connect.
IAPV4InProgressPurchasing | [IAPv4] Already in progress purchasing.
IAPV4InProgressRestoring | [IAPv4] Already in progress restoring.
IAPV4InProgressCheckPromote | [IAPv4] Already in progress check promote purchase.
IAPV4InProgressConnectAppStore | [IAPv4] Already in progress connect App Store.
IAPV4InProgressMarketSelect | [IAPv4] Already in progress market select.
IAPV4AppStoreError | [IAPv4] App store error: %1
IAPV4AppStoreResponseEmpty | [IAPv4] Fail to get response data from App Store. Response data is empty.
IAPV4ProductNotExsitInAppStore | [IAPv4] Can not find product: %1
IAPV4FinishMarketPidEmpty | [IAPv4] Empty finished market PID.
IAPV4PromoteMarketPidEmpty | [IAPv4] Empty market pid.
IAPV4FailCreateSKPayment | [IAPv4] Fail to create payment.
IAPV4FailToConvertNSSet | [IAPv4] Fail to conver to market pids to pid set.
IAPV4InvalidLogType | [IAPv4] Invalid log type.
IAPV4ProductNotExist | [IAPv4] Failed to request purchase product. Market product not found.
IAPV4RequestProductJsonException | [IAPv4] Reqeust product json exception occured.
IAPV4PurchaseParamJsonException | [IAPv4] Purchase parameter json exception occured.
IAPV4RequestMarketJsonException | [IAPv4] Reqeust market json exception occured.
IAPV4ProductInfoJsonException | [IAPv4] Product info json exception occured.
IAPV4CancelPayment | [IAPv4] Failed to purchase(canceled)
IAPV4FailPayment | [IAPv4] Failed to purchase
IAPV4EmptyParamMarketPID | [IAPv4] Empty market pid.
IAPV4EmptyMarketList | [IAPv4] Empty Market list from IAP server.
IAPV4EmptyMarketURL | [IAPv4] Response failed. Market selection URL is emptry or nil.
IAPV4MarketPidListEmptyInIAPServer | [IAPv4] Failed to request product indentifiers. MarketPID is empty or nil.
IAPV4EmptyProductList | [IAPv4] IAP need get product info. get product info or showPayment API.
IAPV4ProductNotExistInIAPServer | [IAPv4] Invalid parameter. Unknown market product identifier: %1
IAPV4PlayStoreLaunchPurchaseFlowException | [IAPv4] PlayStore launchpurchaseflow exception occured.
IAPV4PlayStoreSetupFail | [IAPv4] PlayStore start setup fail
IAPV4PlayStoreQueryInventoryFail | [IAPv4] PlayStore query inventory fail when initialize
IAPV4PlayStoreFinishFail | [IAPv4] PlayStore Finish fail.
IAPV4PlayStorePending | [IAPv4] PlayStore Billing state is pending.
IAPV4OneStoreV5RemoteException | [IAPv4] IAPV4OneStoreV5RemoteException
IAPV4OneStoreV5SecurityException | [IAPv4] IAPV4OneStoreV5SecurityException
IAPV4OneStoreV5NeedUpdateException | [IAPV4]OneStoreV5NeedUpdateException
IAPV4OneStoreCancelPayment | [IAPV4] Cancel Payment
IAPV4OneStoreNetworkError | [IAPV4] Can not connect to the OneStore
IAPV4OneStoreResponseError | [IAPV4] Error response in OneStore
IAPV4OneStoreProductNotExist | [IAPV4] Product not in sale
IAPV4OneStoreFailPayment | [IAPV4] Failed to purchase
IAPV4OneStoreError | [IAPV4] Error in OneStore %1
IAPV4OneStoreNeedRestore | [IAPV4] Already owned the item
IAPV4OneStoreNothingToRestore | [IAPV4] Did not owned the item
IAPV4OneStoreUnablePayment | [IAPV4] Unable Payment. Check your credit.
IAPV4OneStoreNeedSignIn | [IAPV4] Need OneStore signIn
IAPV4OneStoreException | [IAPV4] Can not use OneStore
IAPV4OneStoreInvalidResponseData | [IAPV4] Get invalid data from OneStore
IAPV4OneStoreInvalidParam | [IAPV4] Invalid parameter.
IAPV4OneStoreFinishFail | [IAPV4] OneStore Finish fail.
IAPV4OneStoreRefund | [IAPv4] OneStore Refund.
IAPV4LebiInitializeNetworkError | [IAPv4] Lebi Initialize fail
IAPV4LebiInitializeJsonException | [IAPv4] Lebi initialize json exception occured.
IAPV4LebiPurchaseNetworkError | [IAPv4] Lebi purchase fail
IAPV4LebiPurchaseJsonException | [IAPv4] Lebi purchase json exception occured.
IAPV4LebiVerifyOrderNetworkError | [IAPv4] Lebi verifyorder fail
IAPV4LebiVerifyOrderJsonException | [IAPv4] Lebi verifyorder json exception is occured.
IAPV4LebiBalanceNetworkError | [IAPv4] Lebi balance fail
IAPV4LebiBalanceParamJsonException | [IAPv4] Lebi balance json exception is occured.
IAPV4LebiPostException | [IAPv4] Lebi post exception is occured.
IAPV4LebiInternalRequestException | [IAPv4] Lebi Internal request exception is occured.
IAPV4LebiRestoreNetworkError | [IAPv4] Lebi restore create invalid response data
IAPV4LebiCancel | [IAPv4] Lebi Charge cancel.
IAPV4LebiFinishFail | [IAPv4] Lebi Finish fail.
IAPV4CancelMarketSelect | [IAPv4] market select cancel.
IAPV4ServerResponseError | [IAPv4] Server response error is occured. : %1
IAPV4HiveStoreSuccess | [IAPv4] Desktop Platform HiveStore Success
PlatformHelperOSNotSupported | [PlatformHelper] %1 is not supported.
PlatformHelperOSVersionNotSupported | [PlatformHelper] %1 OS version is not supported.
PlatformHelperEmptyPermissions | [PlatformHelper] Permissions is empty. : %1
PlatformHelperNotSupported | [PlatformHelper] Not supported. : %1
PlatformHelperInvalidParam | [PlatformHelper] Invalid parameter. : %1
DataStoreNotExistKey | [DataStore] Key is not exist.
DataStoreNotExistColumn | [DataStore] Column Family(table) is not exist.
DataStoreNotExistPublicKey | [DataStore] Public Key is not exist.
DataStoreNotInitialized | [DataStore] Need Auth Setup.
DataStoreNeedSignIn | [DataStore] Need Sign In.
DataStoreDisabled | [DataStore] DataStore disabled.
DataStoreResponseError | [DataStore] Server resposne error.
DataStoreInvalidParam | [DataStore] Invalid parameter.
DataStoreGameIsBeingInspected | [DataStore] Game is being inspected.
AnalyticsConsentModeCanceled | [Analytics] ConsentMode Canceled.