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HIVEAuth Class Reference

Provides HIVE SDK initialization and HIVE authentication functions
The HIVE SDK performs initialization based on the xml configuration file. More...

#import <HIVEAuth.h>

Inherits NSObject.

Class Methods

(void) + initialize:
 Initialize HIVE SDK
If the app is launched for the first time, you will be exposed to the terms and acceptance process. More...
(HIVELoginType) + getLoginType
 After initializing the SDK, it returns the login information that can be executed according to the existing login information. More...
(void) + login:handler:
 Request HIVE login according to given login type. More...
(void) + showLoginSelection:usedData:handler:
 Performing a HIVE login while logged in as a guest may result in account conflicts and require the user to switch HIVE accounts. More...
(void) + bindLogin:handler:
 If the user selects one of the conflicting HIVE accounts, the result must be sent to the HIVE authentication server. More...
(void) + logout:
 Once you have completed your HIVE login, you are issued a user's unique ID, VID, and session key. More...
(HIVEAccount *) + getAccount
 Returns the authentication information of HIVE user. More...
(void) + showTerms:
 Display HIVE Terms and Conditions. More...
(void) + checkMaintenance:handler:
 Display the maintenance status and return data. More...
(void) + showAdultConfirm:
 Request adult verification. More...
(void) + reset
 Initialize all data used by the SDK, including authentication information. More...
(void) + requestPermissionViewData:
 권한고지 팝업을 구성하기 위한 데이터를 얻습니다. More...

Detailed Description

Provides HIVE SDK initialization and HIVE authentication functions
The HIVE SDK performs initialization based on the xml configuration file.

The detailed functions provided by this class are as follows.


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