

Unreal Engine 4 Windows Unreal Engine 5 Windows
Download Hive SDK v4 UE4 Windows 22.0.2 Hive SDK v4 UE5 Windows 22.0.2
Release Date 2024-04-19 2024-04-23


Development Environment

Unreal Engine 4
  • Windows 10+
  • Unreal Engine 4.27
Unreal Engine 5
  • Windows 10+
  • Unreal Engine 5.2.1

Unsupported Features

Not Supported Features
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows supports some functions only of Auth v4 and none of the Auth class.
  • You can log in on Windows with the IdPs below only:
    • Hive Membership
    • Google
    • Facebook
    • SignIn-with-apple
  • The Hive SDK Unreal Windows does not support guest login.
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows doesn’t support Adult Confirmation that implements through the showAdultConfirm() method of the AuthV4 class.
Membership and Social
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows doesn’t support Membership & Social functions other than Contact us.
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows doesn’t support Review/Exit Popups because it has no market currently.
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows doesn’t support Offerwall that implements with getOfferwallState() and showOfferwall().
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows doesn’t support User Acquisition that implements with showUAShare(), however, you can configure an invitation screen by calling the getAppInvitationData() method. Show news page (4.16.4 or later) showNews (…)
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows does not support displaying the news page using the showNews method and highlighting the achieved event banner with an event number (pid). It just works as showing the news page.
  • PG payment doesn’t issue receipts and delivers the item through the game server when a user requests payment immediately.
  • Purchasing with PG payment returns ErrorCode : IAPSUCCESS = 90, Code : IAPV4HiveStoreSuccess = -6110000 through a Result API after calling the purchase() method immediately. These errors mean nothing to be handled separately as delivering an item immediately after the user purchases. For more details, see About Hive PG payment.
  • PG payment doesn’t issue the client-based receipt. For more details, see About Hive PG payment.
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows doesn’t support Promotional IAP.
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows doesn’t support subscription type billing system.
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows doesn’t support Hive Lebi.
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows doesn’t support the Notification functions.
Data Store
  • Hive SDK Unreal Windows doesn’t support the Data Store functions.
Other Unsupported Features
  • Permission notice popup
  • Customization of permission notice screen
  • the getPermissionViewData() method of the Configuration class
  • the getChannel() method of the Configuration class
  • the setChannel (...) method of Configurationclass
  • the IAPV4Class‘s getAccountUuid() method
  • the setConfigurations() method of Configurationclass
  • Remote Logging


What’s New


Changed Features

  • Improved the visibility of the text checking for automatic login.
  • Enabled the use of jpg image files for profile images in the profile settings screen.
  • Improved the visibility of the promotion close button.
  • Adjusted the size of the promotion banners for better visibility.
Marketing Attribution
  • Changed the transmission of purchase events in Appsflyer to always send the value attribute as af_purchase from the Appsflyer event elements in hive_config.xml.

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed an issue where the modified profile information was not reflected in PlayerInfo after the user updated their profile information and called AuthV4.getPlayerInfo.
  • Allowed customization of the maintenance popup with more than two buttons.
  • Fixed an issue where the analytics_id value in the BypassInfo result of IAPV4.purchase was incorrect.

Developer Guide Updates


v4.21.1.0 (2023-07-20)

Changed Features

  • Based on relevant regulations such as the [Notice on Stricter Management of Minors’ Online Game Addiction] published by China National Newspaper Press, limited to the games with a China Publishing License, added the real-name verification for the game users from China.
  • The company code in the Terms of Service was changed to the company name in English when using device management service.

  • The adult authentication was changed to be run on an external browser.
  • Change the text displayed when using the device management service.
    • A line has been added recommending the use of the device management service.
Marketing Attribution
  • We now support the Appsflyer, a third-party marketing attribution tool. It is only available for Steam.


Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed an issue that a crash occurred when using an unencoded URL as a parameter in the Hive SDK URL scheme.
  • Fixed an issue that logging in would fail if a user close the device management pop-up window when changing to a different account.
  • Fixed a bug that the game scheme wasn’t delivered through the promotion webview.


Known Issues

There are no known issues deploying this version of the Hive SDK

Changes in Developer Guide