Real Time Testing for Unity

Real Time Testing for Unity (hereinafter referred to as RTT4U) is a tool that allows you to test and debug features implemented with the Hive SDK in Unity Editor Play Mode. Currently, RTT4U is available in beta version.

Development background

Previously, to test Hive SDK features, developers had to return to the Android native environment to build the app, even after developing it with Unity. The build process itself took a long time, and every time there was a change in the code implementation, the app had to be rebuilt, making the debugging process very cumbersome.


However, with RTT4U, there is no need to build in the Android environment every time you fix the code. RTT4U allows you to quickly test and debug Hive SDK operations directly within the Unity Editor.


The Hive SDK utilizes Android native libraries. However, since the Unity Editor Play Mode and the Android device environment are different, it is difficult to load and execute Android native libraries in Unity Editor Play Mode.

As a result, testing Android’s native libraries in the Unity Editor was not possible, and developers had to build the app in the Android native device environment and then test it.

Developers had to go through the tedious process of building, debugging, and testing again after rebuilding. RTT4U solves this issue by allowing testing of whether the Hive SDK is properly applied to the app directly in the Unity Editor.


The advantages of RTT4U are as follows:

  • Determine and fix any issues with Hive SDK application before building
  • Identify issues with app configuration and implementation within approximately 10 minutes (setup, internal build) in the Unity Editor
  • After performing an internal build once in the Unity Editor, test without rebuilding for simple script modifications

Using RTT4U

Follow the installation guide to install RTT4U, and then use it according to the how-to-use guide.