Release app

Once you have completed the app inspection in the sandbox environment, you can release your app. To release the app, upload it to the Hive console Live server. After uploading, follow the steps below to release it.

  1. In Crossplay Launcher > App Management > Download Setting, search for the app list with the app name and AppID.
  2. Find the app to be released in the list. If the Review Settings is ON, change it to OFF.
  3. In the Edit/Delete column, press the modify button to open the Distribution Settings window. In the window, specify the deployment date and then press save deployment date.
  4. On the set deployment date, revisit the Crossplay Launcher > App Management > Download Setting page to find the app and check if its status has changed to Distributing.
  5. Press the app launch button on the webpage to check if the app is installed and run properly.

For more details, refer to the console guide’s Download Setting (Shortcut).