Minimum Requirements

The supported Unity versions by Hive SDK

  • Unity 2018.4.24+
  • Unity 2019.3.7+
  • Unity 2020.1.0+
  • Unity 2021.1.0+

Install Hive TalkPlus

  1. Download Hive TalkPlus.
  2. On the Unity toolbar, click Assets > Import Package > Custom Package… and choose the .unitypackage file. Then click Import.


  1. To use Hive TalkPlus, declare using directive as follows:
  2. Initialize Hive TalkPlus API before using Hive TalkPlus after calling AuthV4.setup() of Hive SDK.

Login / Logout Process

  • You need to login (LoginWithToken) once Hive TalkPlus API has been initialized.
  • You can get the token required when calling LoginWithToken through the AuthV4.getHiveTalkPlusLoginToken() function after calling AuthV4.signIn().
  • When a user logs out, make sure to call the Logout function of Hive TalkPlus. If the Logout function call is omitted, the user will continue to receive notifications even when offline.