Segments are information collected from the Hive SDK and can be transmitted and selected by freely defining property values ​​in addition to predefined properties.

Send Properties

You can use the Hive SDK client log transmission to send user-defined property values.

The sample code for log transmission can be checked through the client source generation feature in the log definition feature.

Property Transmission Specification

Fields are composed in camel case (e.g., dateTime) and are case-sensitive. Values will not be saved in the following cases.

  • If the field name is not defined as specified (e.g., “time”)
  • If the field name does not exactly match the field name (e.g., “app_id”)
  • If the value is not of the type defined for each field (e.g., “474392047” for the “playerid” field)


  • STRING: String data up to 1 MB
  • INTEGER: Signed 64-bit (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807) data
  • If data that does not match the type of each field is sent, the corresponding field may not be saved properly, so you must send values that match the type.
Field Name Type Required Status Description
playerId INTEGER Y The unique key that identifies users in Hive authentication

When using the Hive SDK client log transmission feature, it is sent automatically

uid INTEGER The user key in Hive membership. UIDs above 90000000000 represent guest user keys

When using the Hive SDK client log transmission feature, it is sent automatically

appId STRING Y The appId issued by App Center

When using the Hive SDK client log transmission feature, it is sent automatically

guid STRING Y Unique key value of a row of properties

A random string format like uuid is recommended

When using the Hive SDK client log transmission feature, it is sent automatically

dateTime STRING Y Property occurrence time in a format of “YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss”

(e. g., “2022-11-15 10:20:10”)

When using the Hive SDK client log transmission feature, it is sent automatically

timezone STRING Y The time zone of “dateTime”

Can be obtained through time zone verification using client IP

If blank or no value, it is determined based on KST

(e. g., “GMT+09:00”)

When using the Hive SDK client log transmission feature, it is sent automatically

category STRING Y Fixed to “pub_user_property_log”
propertyDataType STRING Y The value that can be set as the data type of the property value of in-game users is one of the following 4 (e.g., “string”).

  • “string”: When the property value needs to be distinguished as a string
  • “integer”: When the property value needs to be distinguished as an integer. In case of properties requiring aggregation, the aggregation result should be an integer
  • “float”: When the property value needs to be distinguished as a floating-point number. In case of properties requiring aggregation, the aggregation result should be a floating-point number
  • “timestamp”: When the property value needs to be distinguished as a time value. The format should be yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss

Used to provide the ability to select property values for the data type of the property when creating a segment

propertyName STRING Y The name of the property value that users have in the game (e.g., “Success status”)

Case insensitive if the property value is in English

A line break may occur when the transmitted property is displayed on the segment page if the property value exceeds 28 bytes including spaces.

Used to select properties when creating a segment

propertyValue STRING Y Property value of in-game users (e.g., “failed”)

Used to select a value that corresponds to the property name when creating a segment

Check Sent Properties

  • You can check in the log definition feature after sending user properties.
  • If all the required fields in the user property definition have been successfully entered with values, you can select users when creating a segment.