HIVE SDK for Unity3D

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hive.Promotion Class Reference

HIVE Promotion provides you with the ability to effectively expose new news or events to the game user. More...

Public Member Functions

delegate void onPromotionView (ResultAPI result, PromotionEventType promotionEventType)
 Promotion View API Result.
delegate void onPromotionViewInfo (ResultAPI result, List< PromotionViewInfo > viewInfo)
 Returns HIVE Promotion Webview information so that your UI of webview is configured according to the concept of game UI.
delegate void onPromotionBadgeInfo (ResultAPI result, List< PromotionBadgeInfo > badgeInfoList)
 Returns HIVE Promotion badge information.
delegate void onPromotionBannerInfo (ResultAPI result, List< PromotionBannerInfo > bannerInfoList)
 HIVE Promotion banner information.
delegate void onAppInvitationData (ResultAPI result, AppInvitationData appInvitationData)
 Return information about request for user invite (UserAcquisition)
delegate void onEngagement (ResultAPI result, EngagementEventType engagementEventType, EngagementEventState engagementEventState, JSONObject param)
 An event listener for the SDK to engage clients in certain conditions.
delegate void onAppInvitationSenderInfo (ResultAPI result, AppInvitationSenderInfo senderInfo)
 First sender's information who shared UA invitation.

Static Public Member Functions

static void showPromotion (PromotionType promotionType, Boolean isForced, onPromotionView listener)
 Shows banner such as new event of game or introduce new game.
static void showCustomContents (PromotionCustomType customType, String contentsKey, onPromotionView listener)
 Show custom Webview to use external content.
static void showCustomContentsOnGameWindow (PromotionCustomType customType, String contentsKey, onPromotionView listener)
 Show custom Webview to use external content.
static void showNews (String menu, List< int > giftPidList, onPromotionView listener)
 Shows banner such as new event of game or introduce new game.
static OfferwallState getOfferwallState ()
 Returns whether the button is available to invoke an offerwall (free recharging station) within the game.
static void showOfferwall (onPromotionView listener)
 Show Offerwall(Free recharging station) (Android only.)
The Offerwall (free recharge station) is an advertising network between HIVE games, which enables existing HIVE users to use the new HIVE game.
static void showNativeReview ()
 Show review popup
Positive ratings and reviews of game users will affect other users' use of the game.
static void showReview (onPromotionView listener)
 Show review popup
Positive ratings and reviews of game users will affect other users' use of the game.
static void showExit (onPromotionView listener)
 Show exit popup (Android only)
Expose exit popup which include a button called "More games" to lead users to download a new HIVE game.
static void getViewInfo (PromotionCustomType customType, String contentsKey, onPromotionViewInfo listener)
 Request HIVE Promotion Webview information so that your UI of webview is configured according to the concept of game UI

static void getBadgeInfo (onPromotionBadgeInfo listener)
 Request badge information
The promotional badge is information that highlights the button UI of the game to inform the user that a new promotion has been registered.
static void getBannerInfo (PromotionCampaignType campaignType, PromotionBannerType bannerType, onPromotionBannerInfo listener)
 Request banner information
Request banner information for a specific promotion.
static void getBannerInfoString (String campaignType, String bannerType, onPromotionBannerInfo listener)
 Request banner information
Request banner information for a specific promotion.
static void getAppInvitationData (onAppInvitationData listener)
 Request user invite information
User acquisition information is provided to attract more users in the game.
static void showUAShare (String inviteMessage, String inviteLink, onPromotionShare listener)
 Show dialog to share UA url via SNS.
static void setAdditionalInfo (String additionalInfo)
 You can set a string in JSON format when you want to expose a specific event page in the Promotion View or want to pass additional information to the Promotion Server.
static ResultAPI setEngagementReady (Boolean isReady)
 It sets whether Engagement event handling is enabled.
static void setEngagementListener (onEngagement listener)
 It register the Engagement listener.
static Boolean processURI (String uri)
 Parse the URI to make it an Event type.
static void updatePromotionData ()
 /~korean Promotion 정보 갱신 Promotion 새소식 페이지 등의 노출에 필요한 정보를 갱신한다.
static void getAppInvitationSenderInfo (onAppInvitationSenderInfo listener)
 return first sender's information who shared UA invitation First sender's information can be returned after SDK initialize, login and setEngagementReady(true)

Detailed Description

HIVE Promotion provides you with the ability to effectively expose new news or events to the game user.

Promotion view (notice, event), reward (coupon, deep link), exit popup (Android), free charging station(Offerwall)


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