Chive.Account | HIVE authentication user information |
Chive.ProviderApple.Achievement | Apple GameCenter achievements |
Chive.Analytics | A collection of features for tracking and analyzing apps and users (User Tracking Tool Wrapper & Callect Analytics Log API) |
Chive.AppInvitationCampaign | Campaign information for invite Campaigns are data that specifies the conditions for rewarding invite |
Chive.AppInvitationData | Invite information for UserAcquisition |
Chive.AppInvitationSenderInfo | First sender's userInfo who sent UA share invitation |
Chive.Auth | Provides HIVE SDK initialization and HIVE authentication functions The HIVE SDK performs initialization based on the xml configuration file |
Chive.AuthInitResult | Information to be delivered when the result is notified after HIVE SDK initialization |
Chive.AuthMaintenanceInfo | Server maintenance and update status information |
Chive.AuthV4 | Provides HIVE SDK initialization and HIVE authentication functions The HIVE SDK performs initialization based on the xml configuration file |
Chive.AuthV4.AuthV4MaintenanceExtraButton | Button information for customizing the maintenance popup action : Actions to be taken when the button is pressed url : URL to be browsed when action is OPEN_URL button : Text on the button ex) OK |
Chive.AuthV4.AuthV4MaintenanceInfo | Server Maintenance and Update status display information title : Title message : Contents button : Text on the button ex) OK action : Actions to be taken when the button is pressed url : URL to be browsed when action is OPEN_URL remainingTime : When action is EXIT, the time in seconds remaining until the maintenance completes |
Chive.Configuration | This class manage HIVE SDK configuration |
Chive.AuthV4.Helper.ConflictSingleViewInfo | The class showing the conflicted account's game data when user accounts conflict |
Chive.DataStore | Hive Data Store uses NoSQL Cloud Database to synchronize and store the data for use on the client, such as the components of the game and the settings information |
Chive.FacebookMessage | Facebook message destinations |
Chive.HIVEUnityPlugin | Unity 통신 브릿지 |
Chive.IAPV4 | Currently, Hive IAP supports Apple AppStore, Google PlayStore, ONEStore, Samsung GalaxyStore, Amazon AppStore, Facebook Cloud Games, Huawei AppConnect, PG, Steam and Hive Lebi |
Chive.InAppBrowserParam | Parameters for in-app browser settings |
Chive.LocalPush | Local push registration information |
Chive.Logger | Class that records log information (Logs should be recorded taking into account the load, because you are calling the native code.) |
Chive.MessageContent | Message information |
Chive.PlatformHelper | 플랫폼 사용 편의를 위한 헬퍼 기능들의 모음 |
Chive.ProfileFacebook | Facebook user profile information |
Chive.ProfileGooglePlay | Google Play Games Profile information |
Chive.ProfileHive | HIVE user profile information |
▼Chive.AuthV4.ProfileInfo | User Profile Information playerID : User's unique ID playerName : The nickname of the user to be shown outside |
Chive.AuthV4.PlayerInfo | Sign-in User Information it includes user's tocken and DID value along with ProfileInfo |
Chive.Promotion | HIVE Promotion provides you with the ability to effectively expose new news or events to the game user |
Chive.PromotionBadgeInfo | Badge information to inform users that new promotions are registered |
Chive.PromotionBannerInfo | Banner information for a specific promotion |
Chive.PromotionViewInfo | Information of Promotion webview (Information to customize your promotion Webview UI) |
Chive.ProviderGoogle | You can use achievements and leaderboards within Google Play Games |
Chive.AuthV4.ProviderInfo | Identity Provider (IdP) Information It contains the UserId of the associated Identity Provider |
Chive.Push | In mobile games, push notification service provides an important method to increase the retention of game users |
Chive.PushSetting | Push settings information |
Chive.RemotePush | Information about the status of receiving push notification |
Chive.ResultAPI | |
Chive.SocialBadge | HIVE Social Badge information |
Chive.SocialFacebook | |
Chive.SocialGoogle | |
Chive.SocialHive | HIVE users can view and modify their profile information and provide a social game service where they can make friends and play games with their friends together |
Chive.SocialV4 |