Hive provides a WebView that allows you to easily display HTML content to users without any special development or game updates. This is called Hive WebView or Social WebView. In case game developers did not connect with the relevant WebView when implementing API in the game, user profile will be the basic page to implement when linking Hive.

Hive provides the Hive pages listed in the following list through Hive WebView. Check the page by hovering over the page name. To display Hive pages, implement showHiveDialog() method in the SocialHive class by hiveDialogType parameter which contains the page type to show. Parameter values by page is as follows:

Hive Main (HiveDialogType.HOME)
Profile (HiveDialogType.USER)
Game (HiveDialogType.GAME)
Message (HiveDialogType.MESSAGE)
Inquiry (HiveDialogType.INQUIRY)
Chatbot (HiveDialogType.CHATBOT)
1:1 Inquiry

Followings are sample codes to display one of Hive pages, one on one inquiry by WebView.


API Reference: hive.SocialHive.showHiveDialog


API Reference: SocialHive::showHiveDialog


API Reference: com.hive.SocialHive.showHiveDialog


API Reference: HIVESocialHive:showHiveDialog

My Inquiry Shortcut

The users synced with Hive membership can check their inquiry history via My Inquiry shortcut. Add MYINQUIRY by implementing HiveDialogType as a parameter to make a user inquire about your game and solve it easily. If user has inquired via Hive mobile or website, however, the inquiries are not exposed even Hive ID and CS Code(PlayerID) are specified on it, because it’s unknown whether user logged-in Hive membership or not.

Inquiry via Chatbot

To expose the chatbot page, call showHiveDialog() method in the SocialHive class.

Argument Type Description
additionalInfo string Data to send when exposing chatbot page
Fix as "{ \"init_path\":\"hive_sdk_api\" }” and if additional values are required, contact Leading Development Team, Com2uS Platform

Followings are sample codes to display the inquiry via chatbot page.


API Reference: hive.SocialHive.showHiveDialog


API Reference: SocialHive::showHiveDialog


API Reference: com.hive.SocialHive.showHiveDialog


API Reference: HIVESocialHive::showHiveDialog:vid:handler: