If game server is more than one, ensure to set the picked one on Hive. If the user needs to select a game server, implement the server selection UI before exposing the Server Maintenance popup, and change the Hive setting by calling setServerId() method in the Configuration class.

After the game server is set up, you can expose the server maintenance popups at any time in the game. You can set the popup through Hive One menu and it blocks game access while under maintenance. Displaying popups are available to use the UI provided by Hive SDK or customize it based on the information from Hive.

Setting Popup Contents

Set the details of server maintenance, forced update and notice on Hive One. For more information about settings, see Notice Registration Guide.

Displaying Popup

Hive displays maintenance/forced update/notice popups or returns the popup content for customizing composition. If Hive shows up the popups in Hive UI type; however, if you display popups, you can design them. Depending on whether you are using Hive popups, set the parameters as below and call checkMaintenance() method in the Auth class.

  • A use of Hive-providing popups: Set isShow parameter as true.
  • A request for popup data to provide custumized popups: Set isShow parameter as false. For more information about popup data, see Popup Data Returned by Hive below.
  • Example screen of server maintenance popup

  • Example screen of update popup

Followings are sample codes to display maintenance or forced update popups with Hive-providing UI.


API Reference: hive.Auth.checkMaintenance


API Reference: Auth::checkMaintenance


API Reference: com.hive.Auth.checkMaintenance


API Reference: HIVEAuth:checkMaintenance

Popup Data Returned by Hive

If setting popup data on Hive One is requested through checkMaintenance() method, Hive returns the values in the following table through AuthMaintenanceInfo object. If Hive returns the object as null, it means nothing exists to pop up.

Field Name Description Type
title Popup title String
message Popup contents String
button Text on the label of popup button String
action Action type when a user taps the popup button

  • OPEN_URL: Execute web page passed by external browser
  • EXIT: Close popups
  • DONE: Do nothing
Enumeration type of AuthV4MaintenanceActionType
url URL displayed by external browser. This is valid when the value of action field is OPEN_URL String
remainingTime The value available to use as you want (Unit: second).
