Hive IAP v4 is a payment module that enables you to respond quickly to the growing market and implement the payment system with less development time. Examples of what Hive IAP v4 supports include verifying a receipt, confirming duplicated payment, and sending payment logs.

Hive IAP v4 Overview

Hive IAP v4 helps you to:

  • Develop payment system on Google Play Store, Apple App Store, ONE Store and Hive Lebi Store with a single API.
  • Calculate VAT in accordance with currency and then send the data when game requests item information.
  • Provides Market PID list registered on data system in sales through Hive SDK.
  • Send payment logs of games to Hive Analytics v2 when game client requests receipt verification of games to Hive IAP v4 server.
  • Carry out purchase based on a Market PID.
  • Gather logs in the process of prepurchase (when tapping purchase), purchase (after purchase), and post purchase (after calling finish) to clarify the current status of purchase as well as verification process.
  • Hive IAP v4 purchases items, verifies receipts, sends logs. Sending item is managed by game server.
  • In the Windows environment, it supports PG payments and Steam market payments.
  • The following Hive console settings are required for Steam market payments:
  • If you set the Steam environment to sandbox, payment will be made in sandbox.


Purchase Process with Hive IAP v4

The status of supported Hive IAP v4 features

Operating System iOS Android Windows
Market/Platform Apple AppStore Google PlayStore ONE Store v4 ONE Store v7 (v5,v6) Samsung GalaxyStore Amazon AppStore Facebook Cloud Games Huawei AppConnect PG Steam
Single Purchase O O O O O O X O O O
Multiple Purchases O
Restore Purchase O O O O O O X O X O
Search Cancel/Refund History O O X O X O X O O O
Refund User Repayment O O X O X O X O O O
Subscription O O X O O O X O X X
Auto-renewable Subscription Weekly, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months, Yearly Weekly, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, Yearly X Weekly, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, Yearly Weekly, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, Yearly Weekly, BiWeekly, Monthly, BiMonthly, Quarterly, SemiAnnually, Annually X P1W, P1M, P2M, P6M, P1Y, …, ISO 8601 X X
Payload Support O O Not Supported O O O X O O O


Flowchart to Sync with Hive IAP v4