Third-party MAAs that Hive SDK provides are Adjust, Singular, and AppsFlyer. Follow the procedure below to find the attribution key you will use.

Adjust App Token

  1. Log in to the Adjust dashboard(
  2. Click + NEW APP(top-left corner) to find your APP TOKEN after creating your app.
  3. Go to the All Settings > Events on the App Menu and click CREATE in the Create New Event section to create an event and check the token.
  4. Go to the All Settings > SDK Signature on the App Menu and click CREATE NEW APP SECRET to create and check the secret key (secretId, info1, info2, info3, info4).
  5. Enter the tokens in the hive_config.xml file.

Singular SDK Key

  1. Go to the Singular dashboard(
  2. check API KEY and SECRET on the Settings > SDK Keys page.
  3. Enter the key in the hive_config.xml file.


AppsFlyer Dev key

  1. Go to the AppsFlyer console(
  2. On the console main page, click + Add App and add your app.
  3. Select your app and check Dev key on the SDK authentication section of the Configuration > App Settings menu.
  4. Enter the Dev key in the hive_config.xml file.