Suspend accounts

In accordance with your operational policy, we provide a feature to set an account be suspended on the Hive server. By pre-registering the types of suspension in the Hive Console, you can distinguish and register both permanently suspended users and users with a temporary suspension period. Additionally, you can change the suspension type and suspension period for users (distinguished by PlayerID) who have already been registered.


Request URL
  • Production:
  • Sandbox:
Method POST
HTTP Header
  • Content-type: application/json
  • ISCRYPT: 0
Response Format JSON


Parameter Type Required Description
appid String O AppID
player_id Integer O PlayerID
hive_certification_key String O Hive certification key (issued from the App Center)
status String O Suspension status

  • P: Permanent suspension
  • B: User with a suspension period
block_type Integer O Type of suspension
(Must be registered in the Hive Console: Hive Console > Authentication > Suspend Use > Register Type)
start_date String O Suspension start date
end_date String O Suspension end date


Parameter Type Description
result_code Integer Result code

  • 0: Success
  • 4000: Invalid parameter
    • If the format of the suspension start date and end date is incorrect
    • If the start date is later than the end date
    • If the current time is later than the end date
  • 4002: Hive certification key mismatch
  • 4011: Unregistered type
  • 6000: Invalid appid
result_msg String the result message about the cause of suspension

Request Examples

Response Example

Release user from suspension

Directly release a specific account from suspension on the Hive server.


Request URL
  • Production:
  • Sandbox:
Method POST
HTTP Header
  • Content-type: application/json
  • ISCRYPT: 0
Response Format JSON


Field Type Required Description
appid String O AppID
player_id Integer O PlayerID
hive_certification_key String O Hive certification key (issued in the App Center)


Field Type Description
result_code Integer
  • 0: Success
  • 2002: User not suspended
  • 4000: Invalid parameter
  • 4002: Hive certification key mismatch
  • 6000: Invalid appid
result_msg String Result message

Request Examples

Response Examples