Asset log and Score log used to require the name of ID relevant to each log items for transmission. Now, you can simply send ID from real-time logs. If you skip the name when sending real-time logs, compose the following category to input the name additionally.


  • Fluentd type (Based on Log definition)
    Server (Balancing loads to two servers)
    Rule for naming tag[short name of game].common_meta e.g.,
    Value of category field hive_common_meta e.g., {“category”:”hive_common_meta”,”game”:”samplegame”}
    Detailed transmission method
  • Http type (Based on Log definition)
    Value of category field hive_common_meta e.g., {“category”:”hive_common_meta”,”game”:”samplegame”}
    Detailed transmission method
  • Scribe type
    Common Server common_meta_log
    Test Server test_common_meta_log

Log Specification

Field Name Description Type Example Required
dateTime The time metadata is defined or the moment metadata is sent
Format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM:ss
string 2012-01-19 16:24:00 N
game Short name of game string samplegame Y
servicemetrics Short name of relevant log category
e.g., score2, asset_var
string asset_var Y
type The tyep of ID relevant to score2 and asset_var
e.g., In the case of action_id and action_name in pairs, action is the type.
string action Y
id The value of ID relevant to score2 and asset_var
e.g., In the case of action_id=1001 and action_name=Test in pairs, 1001 is the value.
int 1001 Y
name The name of ID ID relevant to score2 and asset_var
e.g., In the case of action_id=1 and action_name=Test in pairs, Test is the name.
string Test Y

JSON sample