Load Login Page v2

This API loads the URL address for the Hive web login where users actually can log in. When a user is logged in, the redirect URL set by the app developer, the state and the authorization token for logic verification are returned. The supported IdP accounts are Hive, Google, Facebook, and Apple accounts.


  • Request URL
    Commercial Server URL https://weblogin.withhive.com/login?param=
    Sandbox URL https://sandbox-weblogin.withhive.com/login?param=
  • Request Header
    HTTP Method GET
    Content-Type text/html
  • Query Parameters
    Field Name Type Description Required
    param string

    The param string value is created through URL encoding and BASE64 encoding of the JSON data composed of the key values in the table below.

  • Query Parametersparam
    Field Name Type Description
    appid string Application ID used by Hive
    gindex string Game Index information used by Hive. App Center > Game List > Search your game and click it > Click the AppID tab > Click the game’s AppID > Check the Basic Info tab to get the Game Index.
    url string This is the URL address to redirect to after the completion of the user login. It should be the same URL as the redirect URL set in the Hive console.
    country string the country code set by the game or community. If this value is not provided, the web browser default value is used.
    language string the language code set by the game or community. If this value is not provided, the web browser default value is used.
  • Request Example
  • Response Body

    Returns the redirect URL provided in the API request with the “res” attached as a query parameter. See the description below for an explanation of res.

    Field Name Description Type Required
    URL the redirect URL provided in the API request with the “res” attached as a query parameter string Y
  • Response Sample
  • Response Bodyres

    The res is obtained by converting the JSON object composed of the key values below into string via the URL encoding and the BASE64 encoding. To use a JSON object, do the BASE64 decoding and then the URL decoding. The JSON object is shown below.

    Field Name Description Type
    code Response code (100: success) string
    state the token to be used in Verification v2 string
  • Response Sampleres