TitleiOS does not send any push notification.2022-07-29 17:32:48

If push notification is not sent from iOS build, check two things:

1. Make sure to register the authorization certificate for push services, and check whether the certificate has expired.

  • Contact the department in charge to confirm the registration status. If it is expired, request to enroll the certificate again.

2. Make sure the APNS server environment of the token used by the actual build matches the registered certificate.

  • The common server of Hive Push is the APNS Real server, so Sandbox server request push services to APNS Sandbox server.
  • If the build you are testing is enterprise or ad-hoc build, push token available in the APNS Real server is sent. If it is development build, push token available in the APNS Sandbox server is sent.

3. Make sure to check the push notification settings.