TitleHive SDK v4 HiveConfig Settings seem to be initialized on Unity.2022-07-29 18:00:34

This issue occurs at times while building with HiveConfig Inspector. The initial build was normal, but after finishing the build, HiveConfig.asset file is initialized, so some settings for processing the next build was omitted. Until clearing this issue, you can follow the instruction below:

  • After the initial settings and success by target (Android/iOS) more than once, comment out [PostProcessBuild(100)] declared in HivePostProcess Class of (Project)/Assets/Editor/HivePostprocess.cs file to prevent changes in the setting values.

After this settings, it does not support automatic settings by target, so follow the instruction if you need the setting changes:

  • For Android, modify the (Project)/Assets/Plugins/Android/res/raw/HiveConfig.xml and (Project)/Assets/Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest.xml files by following the guideline for Android Settings.
  • For iOS, modify the (Project)/Assets/Plugins/iOS/HiveConfig.xml and (XcodeProject)/Info.plst files by following the guideline for iOS Settings.