In iOS target, Hive SDK encrypts files using a KeyChain by following Apple’s security setting guide. Additional settings are not required to use the keychain services, however, all existing Hive settings data from apps is inaccessible when the KeyChain-GroupShare is enabled. 
- KeyChain-GroupShare enables the apps developed and deployed by the same developer’s account to access the same keychain group.
- In the operating system, the keystore stores the app key’s data and identifies keys by the name to allow access to the data.
- Apps developed with the same developer account can share the same data.
- Hive SDK uses keychains through the app’s designated storage, and the data stored in Hive SDK is unavailable anymore if the storage is changed.
- The default storage is set in the order of the first name in the list specified when KeyChain-GroupShare function is activated (AppId), and the first name in the list specified when AppGroup is activated.
- If you’re using the Keychain-GroupShare, make sure to set the first name in the list as AppId in order to designate the default storage as same as before activating the Keychain-GroupShare.