From March 2020, Apple App Store warns the use of UIWebView (ITMS-90809) and demands to delete the UIWebView-related codes until April, 2020 in case of apps and games published after September 2019 as a result of app submission. We confirmed that Twitter framwork added from Hive SDK v4.14.0 uses the classes relevant to UIWebView, and it keeps the App Center warning you whenever games are submitted. To protect the rejection, Twitter framwork is deleted. In brief, game studio needs to be responded to the situation that when user signs in with Twitter and related API is called, ResultAPI receives NotSupportedProviderType code. From Hive SDK v4.14.4, new framework which responds to the warning related to UIWebView is available with Unity earlier than 2019.3. If your game requires Unity 2019.3 and later, Twitter is unavailable to authenticate, therefore, make sure to follow the settings below to delete and prevent Hive SDK from referring to the Twitter-related frameworks.