

Download Hive SDK v4 Android 24.2.0
Release Date 2024-07-05


Development Environment

Gradle Android Gradle Plugin Kotlin Gradle Plugin
v7.5 v7.4.2 v1.8.0
External Libraries


  • Kotlin (Android) v1.8.0
  • Kotlin Coroutine (Android) 1.4.3
  • AndroidX (Android) v1.0.0+
  • Constraint Layout (Android) v2.1.4
  • Glide (Android) v4.13.0
  • SDWebImage (iOS) v5.18.7


  • Facebook SDK Android v17.0.0
  • Facebook SDK iOS v16.2.1
  • GooglePlay Services-Auth (Android) v20.7.0
  • GooglePlay Services-Games v2 (Android) v20.0.0
  • Google Sign-In SDK (iOS) v7.1.0
  • QQ (Android) v3.5.14 (
  • QQ (iOS) v3.5.16
  • VK (Android) v3.5.1
  • VK (iOS) v1.6.4
  • WeChat (Android) v6.8.0
  • WeChat (iOS) v2.0.4
  • LINE (Android) v5.10.0
  • LINE (iOS) v5.11.0
  • Huawei (Android) v6.12.0.300
  • Google Billing Library (Android) v6.0.1
  • Samsung GalaxyStore IAP (Android) v6.1.1
  • OneStore (Android) v21.01.00
  • WeChat (Android) v6.8.0
  • Amazon (Android) v3.0.4
  • Huawei (Android) v6.13.0.300
  • Amazon (Android) v1.2.0
  • FCM(FirebaseCloudMessaging) (Android) v23.2.1
  • Adjust(Android) v4.38.2
  • Adjust(iOS) v4.38.0
  • Singular(Android) v12.5.4
  • Singular(iOS) v12.4.1
  • AppsFlyer(Android) v6.13.0
  • AppsFlyer(iOS) v6.14.3
  • FirebaseAnalytics(Android) v21.5.0
  • FirebaseAnalytics(iOS) v10.22.0
  • GooglePlay Services-Review (Android) v2.1.0
  • GooglePlay Services-AppUpdate (Android) v2.1.0
  • Google reCaptcha (Android) v18.4.0
  • Google reCaptcha (iOS) v18.3.0
  • YoutubeAndroidWebPlayerApi (Android) v1.0.1


What’s New

Hive SDK Common
  • Provides a feature that returns whether users under 16 in the EU and EEA regions where GDPR applies have agreed to the terms of service, and checks if they are under 16. Check this feature here.
  • Uses the PhotoPicker feature by default when using the photo album on devices with Android OS 11 or higher or devices with the supporting module installed.
  • Adds a feature to limit the number of accounts that can be managed with a single authentication number.

Changed Features

  • Supports the runtime library (Push Amazon Device Message 1.2.0) that works on new Amazon Fire devices. See more here.

Bug Fixes

  • During the real-name verification process for users accessing from China, an error message will be displayed when the message sending limit was exceeded with the remaining time not being reset.
  • Fixes an issue where there was no appropriate response callback when the back key was pressed during Google Play login without completing the login.
  • Fixes an issue where keyboard input could not be performed on low-resolution devices.
Marketing Attribution
  • Fixes an issue where Adjust event transmission was delayed when initializing with a customized terms of service.

Development Environment Updates

  • Samsung GalaxyStore IAP 6.1 → 6.1.1
  • Amazon Device Message 1.0.1 → 1.2.0

Developer Guide Changes




Download Hive SDK v4 Android 24.1.3
Release Date 2024-07-25

Changed Features

  • When registering a mobile device while using the device management service, the international dialing code will be automatically applied based on the device’s connection region instead of using +82.


v4.24.1.2 (2024-06-27)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where no appropriate response callback was provided when canceling Google login by pressing the back button during the login process. This bug occurred only when the Google Legacy Support value in the Hive console was set to true.
  • Fixed an issue where keyboard input was not possible on low-resolution devices.


v4.24.1.0 (2024-05-14)

What’s New


Changed Feature


Development Environment Updates


Changes to developer guide



v4.24.0.0 (2024-04-30)

What’s New

  • Support Custom tab using the default browser set on the device to display external pages. You can expose In-App Browser with the showInAppBrowser method of the PlatformHelper class.

Changed Feature

  • The PG payment type phrase displayed in the refund user repayment UI has been changed from “HiveStore” to “PG payment”.
  • Change the PG payment page to be exposed in the in-app web view rather than the in-app browser. Supports PG payments even on devices that do not support the in-app browser environment.
  • Change the default advertising identifier collection setting in the Firebase event collection function to true.

Development Environment Updates

  • GooglePlay Services-Games v2 (Android) v19.0.0 → 20.0.0
  • Facebook SDK Android v16.2.0 → 17.0.0
  • LINE (Android) v5.9.1 → 5.10.0

Changes to developer guide




Download Hive SDK v4 Android 23.5.1
Release Date 2024-06-27


Development Environment

Gradle Android Gradle Plugin Kotlin Gradle Plugin
v7.5 v7.4.2 v1.8.0
External Libraries


  • Kotlin (Android) v1.8.0
  • Kotlin Coroutine (Android) 1.4.3
  • AndroidX (Android) v1.0.0+
  • Constraint Layout (Android) v2.1.4
  • Glide (Android) v4.13.0
  • SDWebImage (iOS) v5.18.7


  • Facebook SDK Android v16.2.0
  • Facebook SDK iOS v16.2.1
  • GooglePlay Services-Auth (Android) v20.7.0
  • GooglePlay Services-Games v2 (Android) v19.0.0
  • Google Sign-In SDK (iOS) v7.1.0
  • QQ (Android) v3.5.14 (
  • QQ (iOS) v3.5.16
  • VK (Android) v3.5.1
  • VK (iOS) v1.6.4
  • WeChat (Android) v6.8.0
  • WeChat (iOS) v2.0.4
  • LINE (Android) v5.9.1
  • LINE (iOS) v5.11.0
  • Huawei (Android) v6.12.0.300
  • Google Billing Library (Android) v6.0.1
  • OneStore (Android) v21.01.00
  • WeChat (Android) v6.8.0
  • Amazon (Android) v3.0.4
  • Huawei (Android) v6.13.0.300
  • Amazon (Android) v1.0.1
  • FCM(FirebaseCloudMessaging) (Android) v23.2.1
Marketing Tracking Analytics
  • Adjust(Android) v4.38.2
  • Adjust(iOS) v4.38.0
  • Singular(Android) v12.5.4
  • Singular(iOS) v12.4.1
  • AppsFlyer(Android) v6.13.0
  • AppsFlyer(iOS) v6.14.3
  • FirebaseAnalytics(Android) v21.5.0
  • FirebaseAnalytics(iOS) v10.22.0
  • GooglePlay Services-Review (Android) v2.1.0
  • GooglePlay Services-AppUpdate (Android) v2.1.0
  • Google reCaptcha (Android) v18.4.0
  • Google reCaptcha (iOS) v18.3.0
  • YoutubeAndroidWebPlayerApi (Android) v1.0.1


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where no appropriate response callback was provided when canceling Google login by pressing the back button during the login process. This bug occurred only when the Google Legacy Support value in the Hive console was set to true.
  • Fixed an issue where keyboard input was not possible on low-resolution devices.


v4.23.5.0 (2024-05-31)

What’s New


Changed Features


Development Environment Update


Developer Guide Updates



v4.23.4.0 (2024-04-11)

What’s New

  • In accordance with DMA regulations in the EU and EEA regions, supports the personal information collection consent banner exposurefeature.
    • If you use one or more MarketTrackingTools and market to the EU and EEA regions, you should apply their features.
    • A re-consent request is required every 14 months, and a re-consent banner is displayed if the number of months set in the app is exceeded.
    • The consent banner can be re-displayed whenever necessary so that users can withdraw their consent at any time.

Changed Features

External Libraries Update
  • Update the libraries corresponding to DPR DMA:
    • Adjust 4.38.1 → 4.38.2
    • AppsFlyer 6.12.3 → 6.13.0
    • Singular 12.3.0 → 12.5.4
Push & Alarm
  • Change to encode and use the Google API Key value used to apply FCM.
  • Change the library version used to improve compatibility of CustomTab provided for PG payment.
    • androidx.browser 1.7.0 → 1.5.0
    • androidx.browser 1.7.0 can be used starting from Android Target 34 and cannot be used in Unity 2021 version.

Fixed Bugs

  • Fix an error where the web view is not resized when entering a chatbot message.
  • Fixes an error that causes an intermittent crash when performing network status monitoring operations.


Changes to developer guide


v4.23.3.0 (2024-03-26)

What’s New

  • We now supports PG payment in mobile environments.

Changed Features

  • Improved the compatibility with com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity files in Unity versions 2022.3.16f1 and above.
  • Added the support of builds using GameActivity (Unity 2023 and above).
  • Updated reCaptcha library version:
Marketing Attribution
  • Updated Adjust library version:

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed a Null-Reference-Exception error occurring in some Hive SDK methods callable from the Unity editor.
  • Fixed issues with identity verification screens.

Developer Guide Changes

  • Added com.com2us.android.hive:hive-iapv4-market-hivestore as one of the values to be entered in the module-level build.gradle file.


v4.23.2.0 (2024-03-26)

What’s New

  • Added a feature to specify SNS not to be used when sharing game invitation messages and invitation links on SNS. Refer to the unsupportedUAShareType element.

Changed Features

Marketing Attribution
  • Updated the Firebase Analytics library version:

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed an error in the Hive Config Inspector where some UI foldings were not working properly.


v4.23.1.0 (2024-02-01)

What’s New

  • Supports automatic login in offline mode when the device cannot be connected to the internet.

Changed Features

Hive SDK Common
  • When user device cannot be connected to the network, it will not attempt to re-execute the methods of Hive SDK features that require network connection.
  • When user device cannot be connected to the network, it will not attempt to re-send analytics logs.

Known Issues

There are no known issues with the release of this Hive SDK version.


v4.23.0.0 (2024-01-30)

Changed Features

Hive SDK Common
  • Access to the Java Enum interface ResultAPI class is changed. See the example below.
    • Previously: Only ResultAPI.Companion.getSUCCESS() was supported.
    • Changed: Both ResultAPI.Companion.getSUCCESS() and ResultAPI.SUCCESS are supported.
  • Both instance method style and class method style are supported in Java. See the example below.
    • Previously: Only IAPV4.INSTANCE.getProductInfo was supported.
    • Changed: Both IAPV4.INSTANCE.getProductInfo and IAPV4.getProductInfo are supported.
  • Adjustments are made so that inquiry windows, chatbots, and adult authentication windows do not exceed the screen range on Z-Flip 5 front display.
  • For device management, real-name verification for China, and etc., the send button is disabled if the user does not enter the SMS within the time limit for SMS verification.
  • Each IDP is separated into libraries for optional application. The following libraries can be additionally applied:
    • Apple Sign-In
    • Weverse
    • Hive Membership
  • Changes are made to trust only login information directly verified by Hive server during Google Play Games login, resolving some cases of AuthV4ServerResponseError.
  • Changes are made so that only one of either the news or the full banner appears on the screen. Only the window called first will appear, and windows called later will not appear.
  • Includes campaignId in UA campaign information.
  • No longer supports the IAPv2 interface and features.
  • Changes are made so that when there is a pending purchase, the delayed purchase result does not affect the current ongoing payment.
  • Updates the Hercules library version.
    • Android: 20231122
    • iOS: 20231116

Resolved Bugs

  • Fixed an issue where buttons are displayed incorrectly when the usage restriction popup is shown in Portuguese.
  • Fixed an error where line breaks do not work correctly when the app is changed from foreground > background > foreground again while the game exit popup is displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where the push message contents do not appear due to a problem in the process of retrieving push messages for displaying when the app is relaunched.
  • In the concurrent user log transmission, changed the country code sent for unknown countries from Unknown to two space characters.

Known Issues

There are no known issues with this release of this Hive SDK version.

Changes in Developer Guide



  • Added minimum versions for Gradle, Android Gradle Plugin, Kotlin Gradle Plugin here.
  • Changed the content of the Android Gradle file as Hive SDK features were internally separated into separate libraries.
  • Removed related content from AndroidManifest.xml settings as WeChat Auth is automatically added by Hive SDK. Also removed content as Hive does not directly use FOREGROUND SERVICE.
  • Changed the content related to setting required libraries in build.gradle for Facebook Cloud Game builds here.
  • Changed the content of the module-level build.gradle file for adding Firebase Analytics here.
  • Updated adding Huawei build settings.
  • Changed the content related to setting required libraries in build.gradle for Google Play Games on PC builds here.
  • Changed the content of the module-level build.gradle file for supporting Google login here.
  • Updated setting external library dependencies for Unity Android.
  • Changed the ways of setting up Facebook Cloud Game builds and Google Play Games on PC builds for Unity Android.
  • Revised the description as the ONE Store version was updated to 21.01.00 here.


v4.22.0.4 (2023-11-30)

Changed Features

Hive SDK Common
  • The authentication process of Hive SDK has been improved with regard to Google Play Games sign-in.

Known issues

There are no known issues deploying this version of Hive SDK.


v4.22.0.2 (2023-11-08)

Changed Features


Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed an error that the sales event of the Singular marketing attribution was not analyzed properly.

Known Issues

There are no known issues deploying this version of the Hive SDK.


v4.22.0.0 (2023-09-15)

What’s New


Changed features

Hive SDK Common
  • Supports rich text preview when using the share method of the PlatformHelper class on Android OS 10 and higher devices.
  • Supports media (image, etc.) preview when using the share method of the PlatformHelper class on Android OS 14 or higher devices.
  • Move the “close” button (X button) inside the dialog for pop-up UI, review UI, etc.
  • If you try to initialize the Hive SDK after termination of the game service, the error code will be returned.
  • Supports real-time screen rotation in all authentication pop-ups, including maintenance, adult authentication, and terms and conditions.
  • Change the text displayed when using the device management service.
    • A line has been added recommending the use of the device management service.
    • Added a ‘Close’ button to move to the previous step in the text authentication process while using the device management function.
  • Remove the customer center link URL that is displayed when users accessing from China undergoes real name authentication.
  • Once the game service was terminated, it is no longer be able to log in and create a PlayerID. When attempting to log in, an error code is returned due to the termination of the game service.
  • When paying in Amazon Market and Apple App Store, the pending purchase feature is supported.
  • Applies Google Billing Library 6.0.1, which supports Android OS 14 target build. You must change the version you use as shown below.
    • v5.0.0v6.0.1
  • The supported versions of Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) have changed. You must change the version you use as shown below.
    • v20.2.4v23.1.2
Marketing Attribution
  • When using Adjust, a deep link is provided to run already installed apps. Also, when a user clicks a deep link and runs an already installed app, tracking the Adjust attribution and re-attribution is provided.
  • Change the AppsFlyer library to the latest version.
    • Previous version: v6.9.2
    • Changed version: v6.12.2
  • Puts the domain included the starting URL of the community in the domain whitelist. For example, if the starting URL of the Zenonia community is “https://www.zenonia.co.kr/ko/board/6″,https://www.zenonia.co.kr” is included in the whitelist. On the Whitelisted domains, running JavaScript codes is allowed, and these domains can receive REST API POST requests.

Fixed Bugs

Hive SDK Common
  • When there is no external library, a separate error code is provided instead of the Unknown or No Response error code.
  • Corrects an error that excessive memory was instantly used when outputting large logs.
  • About the implicit login function with the AuthV4Helper class, if a restricted account is logged in, the error code that was incorrectly sent as Invalid Session is returned as Need Exit.
  • You now can also customize maintenance pop-up with more than two buttons.
  • Fixed an error that occasionally exposes local pushes without any contents.

Known Issues

There are no known issues deploying this version of the Hive SDK.

Changes in Developer Guide

  • Added Data Store error code (RESPONSE_FAIL:DataStoreGameIsBeingInspected).
  • According to the release policy change starting with Hive SDK 4.22.0, the guide structure regarding the release notes and downloads have been updated. The term “crossplay” has been changed to “Windows,” which refers to the OS, and the contents of the existing development guide of the crossplay are merged to the Windows section of the each guide for the Hive SDK module (Authentication, Promotion, Billing, Hercules, etc.), excluding the crossplay launcher.


v4.21.1.4 (2023-11-30)


Download Hive SDK v4 Android 21.1.4
Release Date 2023-11-30


Changed Features

Hive SDK Common
  • The authentication process of Hive SDK has been improved with regard to Google Play Games sign-in.

Known issues

There are no known issues deploying this version of Hive SDK.


v4.21.1.3 (2023-11-08)

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixes an error that prevented sales events from being analyzed properly when using the Singular marketing analysis tool.

Known issues

There are no known issues deploying this version of Hive SDK.