Hive provides a full banner to

  • Expose events effectively to game users
  • Encourage users for more participation in games
  • Utilize as cross-promotions to advertise other games and give reward

The banner defined by Hive means a Promotion view composed of a single image without letters. If the user clicks the banner, it take the user to the detail page, the external page, or the download page of the game being advertised according to the contents configured in the Hive console. We recommend you to expose Full banner, which displays the banner image in full screen, when user enter the game lobby after login.

Registering a Full Banner on Hive Console

Design the banner image according to the horizontal and vertical mode as follows, and register it on the Hive console.  For more information about banner registration, see Guide for Hive Console Promotion.

  • Image size of a promotion banner
    • Transverse mode: 450×800 px
    • Longitudinal mode: 800×450 px
  • For the games that use crossplay, please use 1280×720 images.

Displaying Full Banners

  • An example of a full banner

To display a full banner, call showPromotion() method from Promotion class with PromotionType.BANNER parameter. From Hive SDK v4.12.1, PromotionType.BANNER displays web-type banner, and other parameters display image view-type banner. When you call PromotionType.BANNERLEGACY, webview-type banner is displayed as usual.

When displaying a full banner with PromotionType.BANNER parameter, the image saved on in-app storage is exposed. This image is asynchronously cached when initializing Hive SDK. If full banner is displayed while download is incomplete or failed, its display is skipped.

Starting from Hive SDK v4 24.2.0, the “Do not show today” feature at the bottom of the full banner has been changed to “Do not show for N days.” When registering a full banner in the Hive console, you can set the period not to be shown for 1-7 days. Each date is determined based on the midnight in local timezone of the relevant region. For more details, please refer to the Hive console promotion guide.

Followings are sample codes to display a full banner.


API Reference: hive.Promotion.showPromotion


API Reference: Promotion::showPromotion


API Reference: Promotion.showPromotion


API Reference: com.hive.Promotion.showPromotion


API Reference: PromotionInterface.showPromotion


API Reference: HIVEPromotion::showPromotion

Control full banner for cross-promotion

When you call the showPromotion() method, all previously registered full banners were displayed. Starting from Hive SDK v4 24.2.0, you can choose whether to show cross-promotion full banners.

If you call Configuration.setCrossPromotionBannerShowing(false) before calling the showPromotion() method, cross-promotion full banners will not be shown when the app is launched. If you call it with true, the banners will be shown. This method continues to affect the app as long as it remains active, so it only needs to be called once after the Hive SDK is initialized and before the showPromotion() method is called. You can change the visibility of the banners by calling this method again with a different value (true or false) while the app is active.





