adjust log

  • Log Name : hive_adjust_fix_log
  • The fields in the table below do not include fields that are required when creating logs or employing analytics tools.
Field Name Description Data Type
tracker Tracker identifier STRING
trackerName Tracker name STRING
networkName Network name STRING
campaignName Ad campaign name STRING
adgroupName Ad group name STRING
creativeName Creative name STRING
adid Ad identifier STRING
idfa iOS device advertising identifier STRING
androidId Android device identifier STRING
idfaAndroidId iOS and Android device identifier STRING
idfaGpsAdid Different identifier for iOS and Android devices STRING
gpsAdid GPS advertising identifier STRING
referrer Page information before ad click STRING
createdAt Timestamp of log creation STRING
clickTime Ad click time STRING
installedAt App installation time STRING
city City where the user belongs STRING
postalCode Postal code STRING
currency Currency STRING
sessionCount Number of sessions STRING
environment Environmental information STRING
trackingEnabled Tracking activation status STRING
lastTimeSpent Time of last consumption STRING
fbCampaignGroupName Facebook campaign group name STRING
fbCampaignGroupId Facebook campaign group identifier STRING
fbCampaignName Facebook campaign name STRING
fbCampaignId Facebook campaign identifier STRING
fbAdgroupName Facebook ad group name STRING
fbAdgroupId Facebook ad group identifier STRING
activityKind Type of activity STRING
reportingRevenue Revenue recorded in the report STRING
reportingCurrency Currency used in the report STRING
revenue Revenue STRING
idfv iOS device advertising identifier STRING
storeMarket Store market information STRING
createdAtOrigin Creation time of the original log INTEGER
clickTimeOrigin Ad click time of the original log INTEGER
installedAtOrigin App installation time of the original log INTEGER
gameCountry Country where the game started STRING
deviceLanguage Device language STRING
firstTracker First-used tracker STRING
lastTracker Last-used tracker STRING
lastTrackerName Name of the last-used tracker STRING
isOrganic Organic traffic status STRING
rejectionReason Reason for log rejection STRING
clickReferer Ad click referrer STRING
timeToUninstall Time taken until app removal INTEGER
timeToReinstall Time taken until app reinstallation INTEGER
event Event information STRING
eventName Name of the event STRING
isReattributed Redirection status STRING
adwordsCampaignName AdWords campaign name STRING
adwordsCampaignId AdWords campaign identifier STRING
adwordsAdgroupId AdWords ad group identifier STRING
adwordsCreativeId Identifier of AdWords creative STRING
adwordsPlacement Placement in AdWords STRING
impressionBased Exposure-based status STRING
attStatus Ad tracking status STRING
fbInstallReferrer Facebook installation referrer STRING
fbInstallReferrerAdId Advertising identifier of the Facebook installation referrer STRING
fbInstallReferrerAdgroupId Ad group identifier of the Facebook installation referrer STRING
fbInstallReferrerAdgroupName Ad group name of the Facebook installation referrer STRING
fbInstallReferrerCampaignId Campaign identifier of the Facebook installation referrer STRING
fbInstallReferrerCampaignName Campaign name of the Facebook installation referrer STRING
fbInstallReferrerCampaignGroupId Campaign group identifier of the Facebook installation referrer STRING
fbInstallReferrerCampaignGroupName Campaign group name of the Facebook installation referrer STRING
fbInstallReferrerAccountId Account identifier of the Facebook installation referrer STRING
fbInstallReferrerAdObjectiveName Advertising objective name of the Facebook installation referrer STRING
price Price STRING
order_id Order identifier STRING
pid PID (Partner identifier) STRING
title Title STRING
server_id Server identifier STRING