App installation and update log


  • Log Name : hive_au_download_log
  • The fields in the table below do not include fields that are required when creating logs or employing analytics tools.
Field Name Description Data Type
channel Channel and platform where the event occurred STRING
model Device model name sent by client STRING
appVer App version info STRING
hiveCountry Hive server geoip nationality, value based on ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code STRING
osVer OS version info STRING
deviceLanguage Device language, transmitted based on ISO 639-2 language code STRING
os Follow the precautions listed below while sending the platform value provided by the client.
* Transmission precautions

– A : android
– I : ios
– B : bada
– W : windows
– T : tizen
gameCountry Country value entered in country when sending logs STRING
clientip Client’s IP address STRING
gameLanguage The language of the game used by the user, a value based on ISO 639-2 language code STRING
sdkVer Hive SDK version information STRING
timezoneId Result value of parsing time zone. If the time zone is empty in the original log or parsing fails, it is treated as KST and GMT+09:00 is entered STRING
geoIpCountry Country value based on user’s geographical location information STRING
first Shows the first download INTEGER
appIndex A unique value that identifies your app INTEGER
referrer URLs or resources accessed before downloading the user app STRING
utmTerm One of the UTM parameters used in marketing initiatives is search terms or keywords for search ads STRING
googleAdid A unique identification for a user on Android devices STRING
iosIdfa IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers), a unique identifier for monitoring advertisements used on iOS devices STRING
fingerprint A unique identifier for a device or user STRING