Description of terms used in Analytics.

Indicator terms

PlayerId serves as the user standard key for counting the number of users, and when the phrase “by device” is added to the indicator name, the number of users is calculated based on DID.

  • AU(Active User)
    • Deduplicated number of users who have logged in to the game
  • DAU(Daily Active User)
    • Deduplicated number of users who logged in to the game during the day
  • WAU(Weekly Active User)
    • Deduplicated number of users who logged in to the game in a week
  • MAU(Monthly Active User)
    • Deduplicated number of users who logged in to the game in a month
  • NU(New User)
    • Number of users who logged in to the game for the first time
  • Stickiness
    • Average DAU rate for the period to AU for the period
    • Monthly indicator: Calculated as (monthly average DAU / MAU) *100
  • PU(Paying User)
    • Deduplicated number of users who have made payments in the in-app store
  • DPU(Daily Paying User)
    • Deduplicated number of users who have made payments in the in-app store in a day
  • WPU(Weekly Paying User)
    • Deduplicated number of users who have made payments in the in-app store in a week
  • MPU(Monthly Paying User)
    • Deduplicated number of users who have made payments in the in-app store in a month
  • Agree to Terms
    • When the app is used for the first time after downloading, the number of duplicates is deleted. Collected at the time the Hive SDK initialization terms of services are accepted
  • NU Target PU
    • Deduplicated number of users who have made payments in the in-app store on the first month of their login
  • NPU
    • Number of users who have made payments in the in-app store for the first time after accessing the game
    • NPU consists of first-time purchase transactions for current users as well as PU for NU.
  •  Sales
    • Generally, sales refer to the amount generated when a payment is made in an in-app store.
    • ‘Advertisement sales’ refers to sales obtained via advertising.
    • In-app/advertisement sales are converted into two currencies: USD and KRW, and “market fees, value-dded tax, and refund data” are not accounted for
    • The exchange rate is based on the monthly average exchange rate as of the 25th of the month prior to the most recent update made public by Hana Bank
      • From Sep. 1st to Sep. 30th, sales indicators include: using the Aug. 25th average monthly exchange rate
      • From Aug. 1st to Aug. 31st, sales indicators include: using the Jul. 25th average monthly exchange rate
  • PU RATE (Paying User Rate)
    • Conversion Rate to Purchase. Number of users logged in to the game divided by the number of users who purchased the game through the in-app store
    • (Number of users purchasing in a period/Number of users in a period) * 100 is the calculation. Calculated using (DPU/DAU) * 100 for daily indicators
  • ARPU(Average Revenue Per User)
    • Sales made within an app per user. Calculated as total sales divided by total number of users, and for daily indicators, calculated as daily number of users divided by daily number of users
  • ARPWAU(Average Revenue Per Weekly Active User)
    • Sales made in apps per week by a user
    • Based on weekly sales and WAU
  • ARPMAU(Average Revenue Per Monthly Active User)
    • Sales made in apps per month by a user
    • Based on monthly sales and MAU
  • ARPPU(Average Revenue Per Paying User)
    • As determined by dividing total sales by the total number of users that made purchases, the average in-app sales per paying user is calculated. Calculated as daily sales/DPU for the daily indicators
  • eCPM(effective Cost Per Mille)
    • Ad revenue generated when an ad is displayed 1,000 times to users
      • Calculated as (Advertising Revenue / No. of Ad Impressions)*1000
  • Life Time
    • The number of days between the user’s first login and the standard login date
      • E.g.) If a user’s first login date is Jul. 31st and they logged in on Aug. 8th, the Life Time value is 8
    • Leaving and returning are not taken into account; returning users who log in on the base date after leaving have a higher Life Time value.
  • LTV(Life Time Value)
    • Average total sales NU produced for a certain time period
  • Retention
    • Value or ratio related to a user’s daily re-access status. It is the number of users who logged in on D+0 and then again on each subsequent day, D+N, while removing playerid duplicates.
    • Since it is not a continuous retention rate, it does not take into account whether or not users log in continuously every day.
    • For example, considering retention as of Aug. 1st,
      • Users who logged in on Aug. 3rd -> D+2 value is 1
      • Users who did not log in on Aug. 2nd -> D+1 value is 0
  • Existing User
    • Number of users who were actively logged in over the time period, excluding new users
  • Churning User
    • Number of users without login data from N-1 days to the base date, depending on N days preceding the base date.
    • E.g.) If the base date (search date) is August 7th and the base period is set to three days: Users who logged in on August 4th but did not log in between August 5th and 7th
  • Returning User
    • The number of people who logged in on the base date from those who had no login record for N days prior to the base date
    • E.g.) If the base date (search date) is August 7th and the base period is set to three days: Number of users who logged in on August 7th but did not log in between August 4th and 6th
  • Withdrawal User
    • When a withdrawal request is made, it is executed right away regardless of how many different users have asked to leave the game
  • Session ID
    • Session information generated when a user launches the app
    • Multiple session IDs may be generated regardless of whether you are signed in or not, depending on the status of background processing, etc.
    • Reference key when aggregating session indicator
  • Number of Sessions
    • Number of sessions generated when starting the game
    • When the app is closed, it is considered the end of a session.
  •  Playtime
    • Amount of time a user spends playing the game. Playtime accumulates while a session is active, and when a new session is made, the playtime counter is reset.
  • Delay Time
    • The time taken for the game client to receive a response from the analytics server after making a request.
  • Level Parts
    • Up to ten sections and initial values divided into percentiles based on the account level sent to the level-up log by the indicator view date
    • Empty sections may appear if there are insufficient level values to produce ten level parts
      • 1) Level values ranging from the minimum value to the 10th percentile
      • 2) Level values ranging from the 10th percentile to the 20th percentile
      • 3) Level values ranging from the 20th percentile to the 30th percentile
      • 4) Level levels ranging from the 30th percentile to the 40th percentile
      • 5) Level levels ranging from the 40th percentile to the 50th percentile
      • 6) Level levels ranging from the 50th percentile to the 60th percentile
      • 7) Level levels ranging from the 60th percentile to the 70th percentile
      • 8) Level values ranging from the 70th percentile to the 80th percentile
      • 9) Level values ranging from the 80th percentile to the 90th percentile
      • 10) Level values ranging from the 90th percentile to the maximum value
      • 11) Unknown: This is a case when the level-up log has not been delivered, and it may include cases where the level is at the initial leve