Admin settings

The first administrator can add administrators or agents, as well as offer agents inquiry rights based on their rank.

To use the customer support center normally, new managers and agents must have appropriate corporate and game values.


User information

New agent registration

Register agents who may respond to user requests and set permissions.

※ Menu location: Inquiry > Administrator Settings > Inquiry Management Settings > (Language) > User Information

  1. In the 1:1 inquiry permission registration pop-up, click the New button and look for users.
  2. Double-click the found name and pick the agent for whom you wish to register permissions.
  3. Only users of that firm will be exposed, and only accounts registered at will appear in search results.
  4. Newly registered agents are established under the deactivated agent tab, and when granted permission as an administrator or agent, they are moved to the user information tab.


Setting and disabling agent permissions

As seen below, you can grant or withdraw permissions to users registered on the User Information tab.

[Choose permissions]
  1. Administrator: Set agent permissions for the Language tab registered as an administrator, and disseminate queries.
  2. Service Rep: Responds to inquiries as allocated.
  3. Disable permission: Take away agent privileges. Deactivated agents will not receive inquiries.
[Choose status]
  • Inquiries are routed to agents with the ON status.
  • If you choose the ‘Distribute by game’ method, inquiries will be distributed to agents who are set to OFF as well.


Agent level settings

The level settings tab allows you to configure inquiry access rights for each language based on the agent’s level.

※ Menu location: Inquiry > Administrator Settings > Level Settings

  • Level 1: Inquiry posts are primarily allocated to the administrator and can be seen in all language tabs.
  • Level 2: Inquiries can only be checked in the language tab selected as an agent.
  • Level 3: You can see the inquiry posts in all language tabs, but you can’t verify the response.


[How to change levels]
  1. Examine the agent and modify the settings using the drop-down menu.
  2. To change the level, click the level button in the level tab of agent information. A pop-up window will appear.


Inquiry distribution

Set the method of dissemination for inquiries received via 1:1 inquiry or email.


1:1 inquiry distribution settings

You can set up automatic inquiry distribution in the following ways:
Inquiries are transmitted to agents whose status is set to ON, with the exception of game distribution.

※ Menu location: Inquiry > Administrator Settings > (Language) > Inquiry Distribution > 1:1 Inquiry

  • Disabled: Select if you want the administrator to distribute queries manually rather than automatically.
  • Equal distribution: Inquiries are assigned to the agent who has the fewest remaining questions first.
  • Random distribution: Inquiries are allocated at random to all agents.
  • Sequential distribution: The quantity of queries assigned to all agents is dispersed sequentially such that they are all the same.
  • Distributed by game: Inquiries are allocated according to the game. (Inquiries registered as other will be distributed equally.)
    • ※ Menu location: Inquiry > Administrator Settings > (Language) > Inquiry Distribution > Email

Email inquiry distribution settings

You can specify an agent by language or email address for email questions.




Choose a category (=inquiry type) for each game that will be included on the inquiry page.

(Please follow the procedures below when configuring the customer center for the first time.)


Add games

Move the game that will be displayed on the 1:1 inquiry page to the right from the list of all games on the left and save it.

You can change the name that appears on the customer support website.

※ Menu location: Inquiry > Administrator Settings > (Language) > Category > Add Game


Add Category

Please provide a game-related inquiry category. Once a category is added, it cannot be changed or removed.

If you add a category after selecting the default, the default category will be added when you specify the category for each game.

※ Menu location: Administrator Settings > (Language) > Category > Add Category


Category Details
1) Category settings
  • Configure the category to be exposed as the inquiry type on the contact page.
  • Put it in tab 1 and click the add button to add a new one.
2) Input category settings
  • Set the objects to be exposed as input items in the contact page’s content box.
  • For that category, you can create up to ten templates.
  • Turn on the required parameters if it is a template that users must fill out.
  • Required entry values and input notifications are displayed on the contact us page.
  • If there are multiple templates, the order of the templates can be modified.
3) Attachment file settings
  • Set ON and add guidance language if attachments to the inquiry are required.
  • You can set required attachments in the same way that you can set input items.
4) Public settings
  • Set whether or not to expose in the category list when configuring categories for each game (category setting menu).
  • This, however, will not affect categories that have already been designated as game categories.

Category settings

On the 1:1 inquiry page, the template category defined in Add Category is assigned to the game and exposed.

Because defined categories cannot be changed or removed, please toggle the privacy option on/off depending on the reason for utilizing the category.

※ Menu location: Inquiry > Administrator Settings > (Language) > Category > Category Settings

Category Details
Select games
  • The ‘Add Game’ tab displays a list of enabled games.
  • When you initially create a category, a ‘Set classification’ pop-up will appear.
  • If you select a game, you can assign it to the same category as the preceding game.
  • Click the ‘Default Settings’ button without selecting a game to set a default category.
Add category
  • The category list in the ‘Add Category’ tab can be configured in a tree-like form with up to three levels of depth.
Public Settings > Open to Console
  • To utilize it as a game category, toggle it to ON.
  • Categories cannot be erased once they have been created, therefore please disable any unnecessary categories.
Public Settings > Open to Use
  • When set to OFF, it is removed from the screen’s display of inquiry types (category list).
Identifier code
  • You can specify a code number for frequently used categories and use it to search for the category.
  • The code can only contain letters and digits and has a maximum length of 5 characters. It is not case-sensitive.
  • The code cannot be changed once it has been entered.
Download Category
  • You can download the selected game category in Excel.


Register issue

Register this as a problem to be resolved when the agent responds to your inquiry. Registered issues can be utilized in the Inquiry > Inquiry List condition filter.

※ Menu location: Inquiry > Administrator Settings > (Language) > Register issue





This function is used to register prefaces for usage in the isstue board and request board.

※ Menu location: Inquiry > Administrator Settings > (Language) > Preface


The issue bulletin board is a bulletin board divided by language and game for managers to share issues.

The request bulletin board is a bulletin board where agents can share requests that are classified by corporation and game.