Ad viewing log

  • Log Name : hive_ad_watch_log
  • The fields in the table below do not include fields that are required when creating logs or employing analytics tools.
Field Name Description Data Type
adNetwork Identifier or name of the ad network STRING
eventType Event type (lowercase)

load: Load ad
open: Ad request
reward: Ad reward
closed: Ad end
click: Click on ad
paid: Ad ecpm

uniqueSessionKey Used to identify a specific session with a unique session key when watching an advertisement STRING
adUnitId Unique key for the ad identified during mediation STRING
rewardType Reward item type when an advertising reward event occurs
(Send only when eventType is reward)
rewardAmount Reward item quantity when an advertising reward event occurs
(Send only when eventType is reward)
adPlacement Ad placement location STRING
adSource Ad module information STRING
ecpm Ad ecpm estimates FLOAT