Refund log


  • Log Name : hive_purchase_refund_log
  • The fields in the table below do not include fields that are required when creating logs or employing analytics tools.
Field Name Description Data Type
game Game name STRING
idpId User’s IDP (Identity Provider) identifier value STRING
channel Channel and platform where the event occurred STRING
source Hive IAP billing module information STRING
deviceCountry Device nationality value based on ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code STRING
osVer OS version info STRING
wasRegistTimestamp Time the log was sent after the event occurred STRING
deviceLanguage Device language, transmitted based on ISO 639-2 language code STRING
model Device model name sent by client STRING
vidType Hive authentication type STRING
os Follow the precautions listed below while sending the platform value provided by the client.
* Transmission precautions
– A: android
– I: ios
– B: bada
– W: windows
– T: tizen
gameCountry Country value entered in country when sending logs STRING
appName Unique identifier for appId STRING
appVer App version info STRING
clientIp Client’s IP address STRING
gameLanguage The language of the game used by the user, a value based on ISO 639-2 language code STRING
sdkVer Hive SDK version information STRING
serverIp The server’s IP address STRING
timezoneId Result value of parsing timezone. If the timezone is empty in the original log or parsing fails, it is treated as KST and GMT+09:00 is entered STRING
purchaseDateTimeKst Purchase time based on KST TIMESTAMP
transactionId Unique market receipt number STRING
productId Product ID (null for Google) STRING
voidedSource Refund subject
– 0: User
– 1: Developer
– 2: Google
voidedReason Reason for Refund
* Reason for cancellation of purchase on Google Market
– ​​1: Regret (Change of mind after purchase)
– 2: Product not received
– 3: Defect (The product is defective or does not work properly)
– 4: Accidental purchase (Purchase made by mistake)
– 5: Fraud (Unknown purchase or charge)
– 6: Friendly fraud (Purchase made without consent by friends/family, etc.)
– 7: Chargeback (Cancellation through payment system company such as credit card company)
– 0: Other reasons
* Null in case of cancellation of purchase on Apple Market