PG payment can be used on PC and mobile.

Hive PG Payment Policy

Category Description
  • 16 languages ​​available
  • The payment screen provided by PG companies supports different languages for each PG company and Hive is not involved.
  • Server-based operation with payment through an external web browser
National Support
  • Expose PG companies of countries that PG companies support
Payment Method
  • The payment method of the contracted PG company and the PG company must be set in the Hive console
PG Payment Currency
  • Hive_country
  • The currency may not be supported depending on the PG company
  • Xsolla allows the users to select their own currency for payments depending on the payment method.
  • MyCard: Taiwan (TWD), Hong Kong (HKD), Malaysia (MYR), Singapore (SGD), Thailand (THB), Indonesia (IDR), Philippines (PHP), Vietnam (VND), Global (USD)
Price Tier
  • Required to upload to Hive console
  • Tier is used for PG payment and does not apply to mobile market
  • Set to tier, not amount when registering a product with an App ID for PC 
  • Each game has its own tier, and a basic tier is provided when creating an App ID for PC.
Product Management
  • Required to register product price, product name, market PID, etc. to Hive console
Refund User Repayment
  • Same support as mobile market

PG Payment Process

① Select a product to purchase in the in-game store
② Expose the payment method selection screen in the web view outside the game screen

  • Language: Game language
  • Currency: hive_country to which the SDK delivers. If there is none, the country is checked by IP and exposed as the currency of the country
  • The product name for payment is displayed in Console > Billing > IAP v4 > Market PID Management. If there is no product name in the language to be exposed, the content entered in the English product name will be displayed.
  • The payment method settings can be made in Console > Billing > PG Payment Settings > PG Company Settings

③ Call the PG company’s payment page for the country and expose it in the web browser

  • Error page is displayed when it’s not the payment target country

④ Go to the completion page when payment is completed. The completion page is displayed in the language of the browser.


1. PG Payment Platform Settings
  • When using PortOne
    • Register Hive IAP server callback URL and set PG company in PortOne admin console
      • Register common URL for sending webhook in PortOne admin console > system settings > webhook setting
    • Webhook URL
      • Commercial:
      • Sandbox: 
    • Please Note
      • Since PortOne does not provide sandbox payment testing, we suggest the following method for testing.
      • Create two PortOne accounts for commercial service and test. The admin account for the PortOne console can create an account regardless of the actual contract.
      • Register the commercial URL on the PortOne commercial account, and register actual PG company information, etc. to the Hive commercial console.
      • Register the sandbox URL on the PortOne test account, and register test PG company information, etc. to the Hive sandbox console.
      • If only one actual PortOne account is being used for the purpose of commercial service, connect with sandbox upon initial application and change to commercial URL for the official service.
      • Do not change to a sandbox address after changing to a commercial URL. Please be noted that actual user payment will be processed as test payment.
      • If PortOne console sets the PG company to test, the transaction history is automatically canceled on the following day. Games in commercial service must not be set to test. 
  • When using Xsolla
    • Request to create a sub-project to the platform business office and issue a Project id and Secret Key
  • When using MyCard through a direct contract
    • You must enter information such as payment URL, IP, and Hash Key in the Registration Form to be submitted to MyCard. Download the sample file below and copy the IP address and URL in the document.
    • Please Note
      • The minimum and maximum payment amounts are specified according to the currency of each payment method, so please be cautious when setting product prices.
        • An error message will be displayed when requesting payment for products outside the applicable price range.
      • MyCard Service Country Access Screen
        Taiwan (TWD), Hong Kong (HKD), Malaysia (MYR), Singapore (SGD), Thailand (THB), Indonesia (IDR), Philippines (PHP), Vietnam (VND) Global (USD): Change to Worldwide to pay
2. Hive Console Settings


PG Company Settings Guide

Set up the PG company to be used in the game. Once set up, the PG company cannot be deleted, and can only be deactivated.

① Select Game: Search a game to check the selected PG company. Check the game permissions if you don’t see the game list.
② Add Game: Move to the PG company settings page.
③ View Payment Method by Country: Check the payment method by country of the PG company you have set in the pop-up.
④ Modify: Modify the registered PG company details.

Register PG Company By Game

Click the Add Game button to move to the registration page.

① URL to Receive Payment Results: Enter the server URL if you wish to receive payment completion notification.

② Payment Completion Notification Type: Select the notification type when setting payment completion notification. The default option is to “Send payment success information only”. If you select “Send all,” the server receiving the notification must have branching logic configured for payment success and cancellation types.
③ Service Country: Select the country of use for each PG platform. The bottom entry changes depending on the option selected.

1. Set Up PortOne

  • PortOne Information: Enter the same information registered on I’mport console system settings. You must enter the Tier Code if there is a sub-shop. When linking with Naver Pay through direct contract, you must enter the Chain id value.
  • PortOne – PG Company Payment Method: The list of PG companies set in the PortOne administrator console is automatically loaded. When selecting a payment method to use, check the PG ID and activate it the same as in the PortOne admin console in case of KCP. If the payment method activated by each PG ID is different from the PortOne manager console, it will not be displayed properly. If you move the horizontal scroll bar to the far right, you will see a button to preview the payment method you have set. If you need a payment test page for a PG contract, copy the URL of the preview page and provide it to the PG company.

2. Set Up Xsolla

  • Xsolla Information: Copy and enter the project ID and webhook secret key in Xsolla Console > Project Settings > General Settings.
  • Xsolla – PG Company Payment Method: Select a payment method for each supported country. When you click the Preview, all Xsolla’s activated payment methods are exposed regardless of the country.

3. Set Up MyCard

  • MyCard Information: Enter the FaServiceID provided by MyCard. Authentication number (Hash) Key is automatically generated. Copy the generated HASH KEY, fill out the MyCard registration request form, and submit it to MyCard.
  • MyCard – PG Company Payment Method: Only MyCard is provided as a payment method.

PC Payment Inquiry and Cancellation

Check all payment details of PortOne or Xsolla on one page and cancel directly if necessary. Terminal 3 of the Paymentwall sends a payment cancellation request instead of an immediate payment cancellation, and whether the cancellation has been completed must be confirmed in the terminal 3 console.

  • PG Company and Payment Method
    • A list of all PGs provided by the company is provided as an optional selection, regardless of whether the payment method is activated in the PG company settings or not.
  • Status
    • PG
      • Payment Complete – Payment has been successfully completed
      • Payment Failed – Payment failed due to errors during payment, etc.
      • Payment Pending – Payment is not made immediately due to account transfer, etc.
      • Cancellation Request – Request to cancel payment
      • Cancellation Complete – Payment is canceled properly. Terminal 3 payment cannot be confirmed whether cancellation has been completed or not
      • Cancellation Failed – Cancellation request failed
      • Incomplete – Payment is not completed because a user closed the payment window or clicked Cancel Payment before payment
    • Steam
      • Receive Order
      • Accept Payment (User)
      • Cancel Payment
      • Refund Payment
      • Partial Refund Payment
      • Illegal Payment
      • Order Fraud
      • Chargeback Fraud
      • Payment Cancellation Failed
  • Total Payment Amount: Total Payment Amount: Sum of all search conditions excluding non-progress
  • Number of Purchases Completed: Purchase Completed Counts: Number of completed payments excluding cancellations
  • Total Cancellation Amount/Cancellations: Total Cancellation Amount/Cancellation Counts: Total amount and number of canceled cases
  • Product price: Product price in the display currency set in Price Tier
  • Game_Payload_info: The value received from the game server to be used as an additional indicator in Hive Analytics through the item payment result transmission API
  • IAP_Payload: Purchase metadata self-defined by the app developer
  • Cautions
    • The payment history on the console with the setting value from before the change cannot be canceled if you modify the option value in the PG company configuration.
      • Example 1: The existing Xsolla payment data cannot be canceled in Hive Console if you switch from using Xsolla to PortOnein the PG company settings.
      • Example 2: Payment history from the time a tier code was used cannot be canceled in the Hive Console if the tier code was used and then erased in the PG company settings.
    • If you directly cancel the payment details in the I’mport console, depending on the PG company, the cancellation details may not be delivered to the Hive console so please try to cancel through the Hive panel instead.

PC Payment Item Re-processing

In this menu, you can check the details of the PG payments that are not completed normally. Click Resend to complete the payment process and pay the purchased product. If the retransmission is successful, it will disappear from the search results.

  • Menu Location: Console > Billing > IAP v4 > PG payment completion unprocessed history