HIVE SDK v4.11.7.3 Released

SDK v4.11.7.3, which supports iOS 13 is released.

For more features including Sign In with Apple, click the button below.


  Release Notes

HIVE SDK v4.12.0 Released

SDK v4.12.0, which updates Google Play Billing is released.

For more features, click the button below.


  Release Notes

HIVE SDK v4.11.7.2 Released


Release Notes

  • Version: v4.11.7.2
  • Date: 2019-Aug-27
New Features
  • None
Changed Features
  • All
    • [AuthV1/AuthV4/SocialFacebook] Updated the version of Facebook SDK in use in accordance with the Facebook Privacy policy.
      • Used version: [Android] v4.39.0, [iOS] v4.39.1
      • Updated version: [Android] v5.0.1, [iOS] v5.0.1
    • [Analytics] Changed the category name used for remote logging.
  • Android
    • [Common] Changed to display permission notice on Android Q devices.
  • iOS
    • [Common] Changed to expose HIVE dialog as full screen on iOS 13.
Bug Fixes
  • Android
    • [Push] Fixed an error that exposes Normal style even Inbox or BigText is set when sending local pushes.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.0.0 and later.
    • [Push] Fixed not to expose the key value of Google API used for generating push token.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.8.3 and later which changed to FCM.
    • [Promotion] Fixed not to display empty button on exit popup when COPPA is activated.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.11.7 and later.
    • [Promotion] Fixed not to crash when user starts to play a video clip on promotion page.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.11.7 and later.
    • [Auth v1/Auth v4/Plugin] Fixed permissions not to include common items from the result of requestPremissionVeiwData API.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.11.7 and later.
  • iOS
    • [IAP v4] Changed to send the receipts of items which is currently managed by HIVE IAP server when calling restore API.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.11.6 and later.
    • [IAP v4] Fixed not to crash irregularly when sending purchase logs.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.5.0 and later.
    • [Auth v1] Fixed not to crash when user signs in with Google.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.11.7 and later.

HIVE SDK v4.12.1 Released


Release Notes

  • Version: v4.12.1
  • Date: 2019-Aug-21
New Features
  • All
    • [Promotion] Exposed full banner as image view type, not as web view type.
Changed Features
  • All
    • [AuthV1/AuthV4/SocialFacebook] Updated the version of Facebook SDK in use in accordance with the Facebook Privacy policy.
      • Used version: [Android] v4.39.0, [iOS] v4.39.1
      • Updated version: [Android] v5.0.1, [iOS] v5.0.1
    • [Promotion] Changed to send download data directly to Promotion server.
    • [Auth v1/Auth v4] Supported on/off feature to activate access permission notice.
      • Set the default by using hivePermissionViewOn tag added to hive_config.xml file.
      • Available to change the settings in the middle of runtime by using setHivePermissionViewOn() method in the Configuration class.
    • [Common/Plugin/Unity] Prevented errors by upgrading the way to load HIVE Config file.
      • If you activate Auto Validation function on HIVE Config Inspector of Unity, alarm notifies when hive_config.xml file has errors.
    • [Analytics] Changed to measure the data-sending time based on the provisioning server, not the local time on devices.
    • [Analytics] Changed the category name used for remote logging.
    • [AuthV4Helper] Changed the button color and messages on account conflicts popup.
  • Android
    • [Common] Changed to display permission notice on Android Q devices.
    • [Common] Upgraded the function to search Android emulator.
      • Irregular network is added to search conditions.
      • The unknown type such as Memu, Momo and LDPlayer are detected as irregular network.
  • iOS
    • [Common] Changed to expose HIVE dialog as full screen on iOS 13.
Bug Fixes
  • Android
    • [Push] Fixed an error that exposes Normal style even Inbox or BigText is set when sending local pushes.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.0.0 and later.
    • [Push] Fixed not to expose the key value of Google API used for generating push token.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.8.3 and later which changed to FCM.
    • [Promotion] Fixed not to display empty button on exit popup when COPPA is activated.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.11.7 and later.
    • [Common] Fixed not to crash when changing resource name of application to ProGuard for buidling APK file.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.11.7 and later.
    • [Auth v1/Auth v4/Plugin] Fixed permissions not to include common items from the result of requestPremissionVeiwData API.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.11.7 and later.
    • [Promotion] Fixed not to crash irregularly when closing video clips on promotion page.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.7.0 and later.
    • [Auth v4/ProviderFacebook] Fixed an error that error code of Result API sends the value of SocialFacebook class when Facebook login is cancelled.
  • iOS
    • [IAP v4] Changed to send the receipts of items which is currently managed by HIVE IAP server when calling restore API.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.11.6 and later.
    • [IAP v4] Fixed not to crash irregularly when sending purchase logs.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.5.0 and later.

HIVE SDK v4.11.6.3 Released


Release Notes

  • Version: v4.11.6.3
  • Date: 2019-Aug-19
New Features
  • None
Changed Features
  • All
    • [Analytics] Changed to transmit additional parameters when sending purchase logs by using Singular.
    • [Analytics] Deleted PartyTrack from the list of marketing attribution tool due to a shutdown of its service.
    • [Auth v1/Auth v4/SocialFacebook] Updated the version of Facebook SDK in use in accordance with the Facebook Privacy policy.
      • Used version: [Android] v4.39.0, [iOS] v4.39.1
      • Updated version: [Android] v5.0.1, [iOS] v5.0.1
    • [Analytics] Changed the category name used for remote logging.
  • Android
    • [Common] Changed to display permission notice on Android Q devices.
  • iOS
    • [Common] Changed to expose HIVE dialog as full screen on iOS 13.
Bug Fixes
  • Android
    • [Promotion] Upgraded UX to respond when user taps Back button on the device.
      • Supported Go back feature on webview format window.
      • Supported to close the dialog box if no more pages exist to go back.
    • [Auth v1/Auth v4] Fixed an error that the response to requestPermissionVeiwData() method skips the common contents used for customizing permission notice popup.
    • Fixed not to occur StackOverflowError error from the TLSOnlySocketFactory class if Google Play is not installed on Android devices with earlier than 5.0.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.11.2 and later.
    • [Push] Fixed an error that exposes Normal style even Inbox or BigText is set when sending local pushes.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.0.0 and later.
    • [Push] Fixed not to expose the key value of Google API used for generating push token.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.8.3 and later which changed to FCM.
    • [Auth v4/ProviderFacebook] Fixed an error that error code of Result API sends the value of SocialFacebook class when Facebook login is cancelled.
  • iOS
    • [Auth v4] Fixed to send the profile data after recieving the result of upload completion if user signs in your game for the first time.
    • [Auth v4] Fixed not to show GameCenterLoginCancelDialog again if Game Center login with showSignIn() method is failed or cancelled.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.7.0 and later.
    • [IAP v4] Fixed not to crash irregularly when sending purchase logs.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.5.0 and later.

HIVE SDK v4.10.4 Released


Release Notes

  • Version: v4.10.4
  • Date: 2019-Jul-04
New Features
  • None
Changed Features
  • None
Bug Fixes
  • All
    • [Unity/Plugin] Fixed the exceptional case occurred on Unity in case event handler is not unregistered.
  • Android
    • [Promotion] Upgraded UX to respond when user taps Back button on the device.
      • Supported Go back feature on webview format window.
      • Supported to close the dialog box if no more pages exist to go back.
  • iOS
    • [Auth v4] Fixed to send the profile data after recieving the result of upload completion if user signs in your game for the first time.
    • [Plugin/Unity/Auth v4/Auth v4 Helper] Fixed an error to transmit the result callback of showGameCenterLoginCancelDialog() method.
    • [Auth v4] Fixed not to show GameCenterLoginCancelDialog again if Game Center login with showSignIn() method is failed or cancelled.

HIVE SDK v4.11.7 Released


Release Notes

  • Version: v4.11.7
  • Date: 2019-Jun-14
New Features
  • All
    • [Promotion] Available to customize the sharing feature which is required for User Acquisition service.
      • Supported SNS: Kakao Talk, LINE, Facebook, WhatsApp, WeChat
Changed Features
  • All
    • Redesigned HIVE UI.
    • [Promotion] Changed to transmit all parameters when using User Engagement service.
    • [Analytics] Deleted PartyTrack from the list of marketing attribution tool due to a shutdown of its service.
    • [Analytics] Changed to transmit additional parameters when sending purchase logs by using Singular.
  • Android
    • Changed to support the cut-out type on Android P and later version of devices resolution for image resources in HIVE SDK. Changed for permission notice, full banner and custom webview to support pad or tablet UI.

    • Changed to support the resolution of cut-out design for Android P.
    • Changed to support the resolution of multi window in split screen for Android Q.
    • [Auth v1/Auth v4/Promotion] Supported the separated Activity for hardware acceleration of all UI using webview.
    • [AuthV4Helper/ProviderGoogle] Changed to send the result of achievement and leaderboard usage from Google Play Games Services.
Bug Fixes
  • Android
    • [Promotion] Upgraded UX to respond when user taps Back button on the device.
      • Supported Go back feature on webview format window.
      • Supported to close the dialog box if no more pages exist to go back.
    • [Auth v1/Auth v4] Fixed an error that the response to requestPermissionVeiwData() method skips the common contents used for customizing permission notice popup.
    • Fixed not to occur StackOverflowError error from the TLSOnlySocketFactory class if Google Play is not installed on Android devices with earlier than 5.0.
      • Occurred with HIVE SDK v4.11.2 and later.
  • iOS
    • [Auth v4] Fixed to send the profile data after recieving the result of upload completion if user signs in your game for the first time.
    • [Plugin/Unity] Fixed to sign in with Facebook for Unity 2018.3 and later version.
    • [Auth v4] Fixed not to display contacts from the default items of permission notice.

HIVE SDK v4.11.5.2 Released


Release Notes

  • Version: v4.11.5.2
  • Date: 2019-May-30
Changed Features
  • Android
    • [Auth v4] Added an API which checks the PlayerID and ServerAuthCode of Google Play Games when user signed in your game with GoogleProvider.

HIVE SDK v4.11.5.1 Released


Release Notes

  • Version: v4.11.5.1
  • Date: 2019-May-17
Changed Features
  • Android
    • [Auth v4] Added an API which checks the PlayerID of Google Play Games when user signed in your game with GoogleProvider.

HIVE SDK v4.11.6 Released


Release Notes

  • Version: v4.11.6
  • Date: 2019-May-08
New Features
  • All
    • [IAP v4] Supported the subscription, one of in-app purchase types.
      • Use getSubscriptionProductInfo() method of IAPV4 class to search and perform subscriptions.
      • Use purchaseSubscriptionUpdate() method of IAPV4 class to purchase, upgrade or downgrade subscriptions.
      • Use restoreSubscription() method of IAPV4 class to restore subscriptions.
Changed Features
  • Android
    • [IAP v4] Supported to use the Google Play Billing Library.
Bug Fixes
  • None